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broken-lock14 (Dec 21, 2006)
Gahaha, he WILL CUT YOU.8D Collaaaab, between Hagaren and mememe. I tried to do bolder lineart for once in my life. I've been too impatient to do lineart lately, because of my mouse. :< Hope you have fun colouring all those buildings kiddoooo. ;D
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drawn in 6 hours 12 min
I was off reading picture books.
you are god. :]]
i love it.
Lmao i would die if i had to color all those buildings XDD
You, my good friend, are just downright AWESOME. (clings to you) >W<~~
Thankyouthankyou~~ I'll have lots of fun with this. 8DD
drawn in 1 hour 16 min
the coloring is so cute :]]]
drawn in 41 min
Butbutbut, thank you so much. =^*w*^=
YOU'RE WELCOME. DD8<. *Is suffering from 'I-don't-wanna-color-buildings-anymore' disease and is also suffering from impatience since I see more than 4 presents for me under the tree* DDX
*reaches for them* ( ;w;)---+
drawn in 1 hour 50 min
How do I keep Guupi's picture thing? I wanna make it look like graffiti on a wall. >__>;
EDIT:: (Take off one hour from timer plx. I went to the bookstore to buy a present for my best friend. 8DD)
But ummm, I guess if you want to keep it, you could colour on a layer underneath..? <:o And maybe trace over it to make it more yey graffiti, or something.
I love you and your cutecute colourssss C8
I rabu you and your cutecute linearrrt C8
drawn in 18 min
Mmkay, Guupiguupi! Do whatever you wish now. 8D
Good jorb thar on the buildings. ;D *twirls*