Deino (Nov 28, 2006)
http://www.culturageneral.net/pintura/cuadros/jpg/la_incredulidad_de_santo_tomas.jpg The Incredulity of Saint Thomas of Caravaggio (Oh god, where have I put myself into?) This is one of my favorite paintings, I found it quite powerful: The face of Jesus so calmed and the expression of Thomas. The portraile of the apostols not as young and beautiful but old and 'common', not to mention the incredible achievement of figure volume by the chiaroscuro.
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drawn in 2 min
drawn in 15 min
Ok, no more savings until I do something more useful...
Most of caravaggios most famous pictures are still in their respective churchs around Rome, it was really something visiting and standing in the small chapels surrounded by 2 or 3 of these great pictures
drawn in 16 min
drawn in 1 hour 16 min
drawn in 1 hour 33 min
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