Wow, wow the colors and textures, this is already amazing. Going on a fish streak huh? They look like the type of fish people eat in those silly contests (how many fish can you swallow) I'll shut up now. X)
Another wonderful fish picture... you're really good at this. The light filtering through the surface of the water is so well done, and you also did a great job of getting depth by making the fish that's the farthest away look like he's got more water between us and him... and you did it without blurring him up. Absolutely fantastic work.
drawn in 30 min
drawn in 35 min
drawn in 50 min
drawn in 30 min
drawn in 27 min
drawn in 9 min
and shinny!
i love the light in the water!
And ya Deino, stupid people having fish swallowing contests (although the fish of choise are small goldfish. They wriggle down easier)