Oh my neighbor.........:]
I never though you caugh my neightbor's custom very nice indeed....OuO!
Scary and nice done my friend.
................Logging of Lore.V.............
i agree with axil and hideyourface, you can really tell when you've spent longer on your pics, so you get some really juicy details, and crazy textures, like that eyeball ~~ ewwwugh
drawn in 53 min
drawn in 30 min
drawn in 1 hour 26 min
If i saw something/someone like that in person I think i would honestly drop dead, no joke!
I never though you caugh my neightbor's custom very nice indeed....OuO!
Scary and nice done my friend.
................Logging of Lore.V.............
Jeepers creepers. Now this is something that should be printed out and hung at a Halloween party.
I don't think I'd use the facilities. X}