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Simkin (Oct 12, 2006)
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Nightmare (Oct 12, 2006)
Go crawl into a wall laden with insects and fecal matter.
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Gigandas (Oct 12, 2006)
Even so, chimp art isn't art to begin with. The definition of art states that only humans are capable of producing 'art'.
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squee (edited Oct 12, 2006)
What about elephants though? Lmao.
Indeed, Gigandas, you are absolutely correct! :D *gives cookie* and the correct definition for pervert is as follows: pervert [v. per-vurt; n. pur-vert] –verb (used with object) 1. to affect with perversion. 2. to lead astray morally. 3. to turn away from the right course. 4. to lead into mental error or false judgment. 5. to turn to an improper use; misapply. 6. to misconstrue or misinterpret, esp. deliberately; distort: to pervert someone's statement. 7. to bring to a less excellent state; vitiate; debase. 8. Pathology. to change to what is unnatural or abnormal. 9. to convert or persuade to a religious belief regarded as false or wrong. –noun 10. a person who practices sexual perversion. 11. Pathology. a person affected with perversion. 12. a person who has been perverted, esp. to a religious belief regarded as erroneous. Woot. |
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HunterKiller_ (Oct 12, 2006)
Hahaha. Great find. Just more proof that these so called 'art experts' are nothing but a bunch of shit-talking morons.
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Deformed (Oct 12, 2006)
So, do you do anything here but promote shitty "Art" and annoy the living fuck out of everyone? If so, you are doing well, my friend.
Oh, and Nightmare: Nice. Very Nice. Awesome in fact. [/not being sarcastic] |
Solipsist (Oct 12, 2006)
chimp art isn't art to begin with. The definition of art states that only humans are capable of producing 'art'.You are an anti-ape bigot. |
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Gigandas (edited Oct 12, 2006)
Maybe, but at least I'm right on this one.
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Sweetcell (Oct 12, 2006)
Are you going to do anything here besides waste our time? All you've been doing is flooding this site (and taking space) with your trolling. If your such a damn expert than click on draw and actually.... DRAW. Otherwise I don't feel you have the right to tell ME what's good and what isn't. This is a place to draw and chat and have fun. Go run your own little site, leave us to enjoy our own art.
Teufel (Oct 12, 2006)
At the bottom of that "Chimp art" article there is a link to "True art or a fake?" quiz at reverent.org. The webmaster and owner of that websiite is Mikhail Simkin. This suggests that Diana Hsieh is probably one of Mikhail Simkin aliases. Or, may be, they both are aliases of Kurt Hinterbichler. We need the brainpower of Kejoco to figure this out.
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Zinc (edited Oct 12, 2006)
you all are wasting your own time. quit feeding the fire.
p.s- he wasn't even being direct. what's the big deal? HunterKilller - I glanced at his comments board. I read the topics, but there were too many posts to read... which is enough to prove my point. |
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HunterKiller_ (edited Oct 12, 2006)
Ok, let's not feed the trolls anymore.
TROLLS: Simkin and Solipsist (probably the same moron). Zinc: I think you must have missed the previous threads these couple of donkies featured in. |
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Sweetcell (Oct 12, 2006)
I agree, wasting my time with these donkies (haha HK)
No more feeding. |
Simkin (Oct 12, 2006)
Go crawl into a wall laden with insects and fecal matter. http://reverent.org/Pictures/acrofilia_grand_canyon.jpg If you were forced into the place on the wall were I am standing - it would get covered with fecal matter. |
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DinoFlorist (Oct 12, 2006)
I like the topic of pretentious artists. I think a lot of fine art sucks. I think a lot of art theory is pretend. I think that the fact that you have to be educated and taught to understand certain artworks means they have failed. Thomas Kinkade is skilled and people are jealous. Hate me, pretentious artists, but you know deep down you're jealous of Kinkade.
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squee (Oct 13, 2006)
Simkin: There's a giant burrito at the bottom of that canyon. Why don't you jump down and get it?
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Orkdoop (Oct 13, 2006)
I dont understand why all of you are mad. And it doesnt matter if chimp art isnt real art. what matter here is that a art expert couldnt even tell the difference between...something that was done by a artist..and an animal....
thats funny... |
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Gigandas (Oct 13, 2006)
But if he's trying to claim that this chimp is now a master artist himself cause such a situation came up, I think it does matter.
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Maiko (Oct 13, 2006)
Can we please ignore this person? D:> srsly, TROLL.
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Nightmare (Oct 13, 2006)
The apes are taking over...
Simkin (edited Oct 13, 2006)
I like the topic of pretentious artists.Then you might like this quiz: An artist or an ape? |
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Maiko (Oct 13, 2006)
ohh I get it now D8
Kurt Hinterbichler = Chimp, who gets mistaken for a person, gets his own website featuring his crappy art :D yum, I'm smart. btw, why're you only posting spammy forum threads instead of drawing now? D:> |
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Nightmare (Oct 13, 2006)
Maiko, you can lock threads. Do your job. >:[
Simkin (Oct 13, 2006)
Maiko, you can lock threads. Do your job.Did my photo upset you that much? |
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Nightmare (Oct 13, 2006)
Yes. It did. I think I might have to take some sort of therapy to recover from the trauma cause by the photo.
p.s. stop posting. |
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friend (Oct 13, 2006)
Some expert eh?
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Deformed (Oct 13, 2006)
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HunterKiller_ (Oct 13, 2006)
Yeah, just lock please Maiko.
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squee (Oct 13, 2006)
I can give my hamster a paint brush and see the final result.
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Nightmare (Oct 13, 2006)
I can drool in my sleep and sell the pillowcase for $400, saying it is in the image of Muhammed.
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squee (Oct 13, 2006)
There's always e-bay.
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DinoFlorist (Oct 13, 2006)
Locking topics is for noobs. Why would you advocate noobery? Don't read it if you don't like it, you little pussies.
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squee (edited Oct 13, 2006)
True. and you notice how most n00bs are like "Ignore it!" Then they get all huffy puffy over something that they in fact can ignore themselves.
HEED YOUR OWN ADVICE CHILDREN edit: I took that Artist or Ape quiz. I failed miserably. |
Simkin (Oct 13, 2006)
Yes. It did. I think I might have to take some sort of therapy to recover from the trauma cause by the photo.Just take a shower and wash your pants. |
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squee (Oct 13, 2006)
Tieing you up from head to toe in a really thick rope and throwing you into an active volcanoe sounds like a good plan to me.
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Expendable-Studios (Oct 13, 2006)
i'm sick of people debating wether a spot on a canvas is art. or a boot in a can. abstract art is not art! true art requires skill and patience. abstract art requires fingerpaint and at most the IQ of a squirrel.
Simkin (Oct 13, 2006)
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Orkdoop (Oct 13, 2006)
who said that the chimp was now an artist? no one. actually. so the point is abstract art is crap. becuase no one can tell the difference between "real" art and chimp scribbles.
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Gigandas (edited Oct 13, 2006)
lol, are you serious? Even if it wasn't his intent to say that chimps are capable of being recognized as masters, I dunno why I can't just say what I wanna say without being jumped on about it (seeing as most of these threads go totally off topic 'anyway').
Look, Simkin is pretty much already known for wanting to make people like Hinterbichler be recognized and appreciated for their work. Based on that knowledge, I figured he 'may' conclude that this chimp too is now a master; because a critic technically recognized him/her as one. So basically, I just stated the above to save him the trouble of possibly going into that. But no, I guess this is all just totally illogical, and has absolutely nothing to do with the link he posted... (sheesh, it's like I commited capital crime or something) |
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DinoFlorist (Oct 13, 2006)
Hinterbichler, I believe, is a faux website that deigns to highlight the pretentious abstract art phenomenon. I don't think it's for real.
And as far as ignoring stuff, I don't want to ignore it, I want to read it, and that's why the thread cannot be locked. So, there, you're still a pussy. |
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HunterKiller_ (Oct 13, 2006)
What a peculiar poem.
Simkin (Oct 14, 2006)
What a peculiar poem.It is parodizing one big poet. The situation in modern poetry is the same as in modern art. |
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friend (edited Oct 14, 2006)
Do you have some fascination with the quote thing? Do you like the color yellow that much? |
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Nightmare (Oct 14, 2006)
the yellow makes you want to read the phonebook more.
Teufel (Oct 14, 2006)
Yes. It did. I think I might have to take some sort of therapy to recover from the trauma cause by the photo. Just take a shower and wash your pants.Nightmare, you should find a good lawyer and make this radical simkinist sell his last pants to pay for the damages inflicted by his reckless posting. |
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Ty854 (Oct 14, 2006)
im an art expert.
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Sweetcell (Oct 14, 2006)
I'm a nut. How'dyou do everybody. :)
Teufel (edited Oct 17, 2006)
Maybe, but at least I'm right on this one.You are a speciist bigot and wrong. Not only apes can create art, but they are, probably, able to interbreed with humans. In the beginning of the last century scientific experiments were attempted in this direction, but abandoned due to speciist bigotry. Kirill Rossiianov, Beyond Species: Il'ya Ivanov and His Experiments on Cross-Breeding Humans with Anthropoid Apes, Science in Context, 2002, p. 277-316 http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=124129 Some excerpts from this article: Although Ivanov had earlier complained about the callous and brutal treatment of chimpanzees in Kindia, he succumbed to similar brutality and insensitivity during his own experiment. He and his son used force when dealing with apes, and the apes fought back. One of the females had bitten Ivanov Jr. during the previous examination so severely that he had to be taken to the hospital. During the insemination, mentioned Ivanov, "each of us had a Browning in the pocket, just in case" (Laboratory diary, note of 28 February 1927, IP 987; Notes on the insemination of apes, IP 1007). Ivanov also found at least one volunteer, G., from Leningrad, who wrote to him on 16 March 1928: "Dear Professor, . . . With my private life in ruins, I don't see any sense in my further existence . . . . But when I think that I could do a service for science, I feel enough courage to contact you. I beg you, don't refuse me . . . . I ask you to accept me for the experiment." "The Negroes," - he wrote - "treat the apes and, in particular the chimpanzees, as an inferior human race." Similar considerations influenced his explanation of why nobody had heard about offspring from the ape males and native women. "The women, raped by ape males," he wrote in his report, "are regarded as defiled. Such women are treated as pariahs, as socially dead, and, as I was told, they usually disappear without any trace later" (Ivanov, "African Notes," IP 990, p. 44; " Report about the mission," GARF 3316-45-18, p. 107). "In America, . . . these news [about experiments on hybridization] aroused sympathy in progressive newspapers and even the desire to provide us financial support. At the same time, our research caused a burst of indignation, a shower of abuse and threats to me from fascists led by the Ku-Klux-Klan. This only confirms that our work has not only an exceptional scientific, but also a social significance." |
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Maiko (Oct 17, 2006)
bestiality, grody D:>
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Noremac (edited Oct 17, 2006)
i tested it with my friends cat, i put a marker on the end of a string, and it batted it around a piece of paper, it made what looks like a tree, but modern art enthusiasts dont understand that its not talent or conceptualization. its stupid people making up stupid crap.
I can argue that the sun is yellow because ducks are yellow, just because it could make sense to a retard, doesnt mean it holds any evidense. sure you could argue that ducks are yellow because of the same reason, that our eyes pick up pigment of yadda yadda, but the fact is, ducks are yellow because they are, its how they were made. Art was made by people who worked for it, honed a skill, and did it. then some no talent assclowns come around and try to tell us that our sun is yellow because our ducks are yellow. well fuck that i say, fuck that. P.S. kudos to those who understand this. |
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Kasha (Oct 17, 2006)
haha, some of you are just jealous because a chimp makes cooler pictures than the 2 hour pictures you make.
don't hate!!!!! sry2say, just because it's not art to YOU doesn't make it art to others ;) but seriously, I'm not to fond of abstract myself but you can't be closed-minded and realize some people out their might actually like it because it makes them feel a certain way. |
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Noremac (Oct 18, 2006)
on the contrary, I CAN be close minded.
Just because there are vegetarians doesnt mean that im going to stop eating meat, and sticking by the fact that i think meat should be eaten. I usually try to be logical, but in my opinion, you're fighting an uphill battle every time you're fighting retards. |
Simkin (Oct 18, 2006)
Could it be that abstract "art" is an example of the broader tendency in the society.
For example, we are now being brainwashed with gay "cowboys." Such things do not exist in nature, but for many Americans Hollywood phantasies are more real than actual reality. The notion of "cowboy" will be re-defined so that it will not be necessary to ride a bronko, and not even to ride a trained horse full gallop, and not even to ride a horse at all. A cowboy will be someone designated as such by the appropriate authorities. |
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friend (Oct 18, 2006)
Whats a bronko?
Simkin (Oct 18, 2006)
Whats a bronko?Untamed horse. |
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Nightmare (Oct 18, 2006)
lol @ bronco.
Simkin (Oct 18, 2006)
lol @ bronco.The important issue is not spelling, but riding it. |
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Ty854 (Oct 18, 2006)
NO!!!!!!!! spelling is ALL THATS MATTERS!! >:O
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squee (Oct 18, 2006)
That's right Simkin.. forget EVERYTHING you learned in English class at school.
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Nightmare (Oct 18, 2006)
Simkin (Oct 20, 2006)
That's right Simkin.. forget EVERYTHING you learned in English class at school.I remember all Oscar Wilde's works I read in school. I do not deny that he was a good writer. I point out that he was not a cowboy. |
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squee (Oct 20, 2006)
sar?casm? [sahr-kaz-uhm]
–noun 1. harsh or bitter derision or irony. 2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms. |
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