kejoco. if the numbness is in your thumb and 1st and 2nd fingers it may be carpal tunnel syndrome, the test the doctor did on me was to bend my hand forward at the wrist so my fingers were pointing back towards my body then he tapped on the top part of my hand, within seconds my thumb and the two fingers next to it were numb....I had to go for nerve conduction tests to see how bad it was - because after 2 minutes of holding a paintbrush my fingers were completely numb and I lost my grip. They found that the nerve which runs up through your wrist and through your palm to those fingers was 75% disabled in my rigth hand and 42% in my left. Basically there is a band of muscle like an elastic band that goes round your wrist to stop everything being loose when you flex your hand.... I had a small operation under local anasthetic to both palms ( 18 months between them) my hand was bandaged for a few weeks- but the result was worth it and I have mostly been back to normal... I do use a digital drawing tablet now because the cramps from using a mouse to draw were so severe... I got it secondhand though....(no pun intended) I know this is a long explanation but I thought it might help... regards... and best wishes here is a link for more info
drawn in 1 hour 15 min
drawn in 21 min
I definitely need to see a doctor
drawn in 28 min
so awesome!!
i ador pin-ups <33
keep thinking it might go away
I should make a dr visit this week.
thank you for the info