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Teufel (Sep 30, 2006)
I wonder what you guys think about Mark Bradford’s work, a collage artist from LA. The artist incorporates elements from his daily life into his pieces; remnants of found posters and billboards, logos, etc. Bradford is a hairstylist and self-described "beauty operator". Some of his works are huge!!
You can see his works here http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/artists/mark_bradford.htm Contrast his works to collages by Elliott Hundley. This artist uses everything that falls into his hands to make expressive worlds of "funny chaos", as I like to call them. see his works here: http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/artists/elliot_hundley.htm Even though both artists do collages their technique and use of material is quite different. |
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Kloxboy (Sep 30, 2006)
Those are great. I particularly like Bradford's work, it has an abstract urban feel to it. His compositions are great, it's easy to get lost in all the structure and busy layers.
Solipsist (Sep 30, 2006)
These two are fine artists, but Kurt Hinterbichler surpasses them in creative energy.
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Kloxboy (Oct 1, 2006)
Screw you Solipsist.
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Kayos (Oct 1, 2006)
wow. childrens scribbles wiht crayons selling for $99! SO if someone poops on paper and smears it all over it, and some wacko art buff comes along and sais "This is perhaps _________'s most personal work, as it reflects the nature of his artistic quest and his drive to create something truly original." Or, "Once again, ________ ties his own quest into his art, showing how one person can change the accepted standards forever. " Is it then art? Is it worthy art of galleries? phwa! I love going to fancy galleries and seeing a 15'x15' white square with a red square off set in the middle with a price tag of $17,500.
Solipsist (Oct 1, 2006)
if someone poops on paperIf an Artist does it then it is the poop of the Artist and, therefore, a work of Art. Artistic poop is even chemically different from that of a philistine. |
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marcello (Oct 1, 2006)
You're just jealous because you're a philistine.
Teufel (Oct 1, 2006)
The good thing about Hinterbichler is that he is not some Kinkade, whose soulless paintings are designed to suite the crude apprehensions of the vulgar. Hinterbichler is energetically searching for the new ways of expression, but at present his technique is not yet perfected enough to reflect all the intricacies of his poetic soul. This is were he should learn from Mark Bradford.
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Kloxboy (Oct 1, 2006)
Marcello: I agree, that's exactly what he is.
Solipsist (Oct 1, 2006)
his technique is not yet perfectedHinterbichler has a talent which is in the highest degree original. The most insignificant of Hinterbichler's works suggests a personality which is strange, tormented, and complex; and it is this surely which prevents even those who do not like his pictures from being indifferent to them. To my mind the most interesting thing in art is the personality of the artist; and if that is singular, I am willing to excuse a thousand technical faults. |
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frootcake (Oct 1, 2006)
lol i'm sorry, but kurt is crap at art. that last comment made (solipsist) me laugh out loud; what a load of bull'.
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SneakyWalter (Oct 1, 2006)
I get the impression from his art that this Kurt guy is roughly 4 years old.
Solipsist (Oct 1, 2006)
I get the impression from his art that this Kurt guy is roughly 4 years old.Many great artist, like Monet or Van Gogh, initially were subject to ridicule, just like Hinterbichler is now. However, even today, it is clear to the wise that Hinterbichler is assured a place in the Pantheon of Art. Hundred years from now if you will be known for anything at all - it will be your snide remark about Hinterbichler. |
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Kloxboy (Oct 1, 2006)
Wow, you're overflowing with bullshit, Solipsist.
Solipsist (Oct 1, 2006)
kurt is crap at artHave you no sense of decency sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency? Kurt Hinterbichler is a young man who went to Columbia and is starting what looks to be a brilliant career in art. Little did I dream you could be so reckless and so cruel as to do an injury to that lad. It is, I regret to say, equally true that I fear he shall always bear a scar needlessly inflicted by you. If it were in my power to forgive you for your reckless cruelty, I would do so. I like to think I'm a gentle man, but your forgiveness will have to come from someone other than me. |
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Sweetcell (Oct 1, 2006)
Ok, I remember we had this discussion about this Kurt guy wayyyyy back and the same arguments occured. Lord do trolls have NO life? I'd have to look up the topic but I believe it was this same person Solipoopist, who came on here (just newly signed up with no contributing art to the site) and pasted a whole topic on this Kurt Von winterblocken. What, you were bored, no one else on other sites were taking your bait and you decided to come back here and spread this shit?
IGNORE HIM PEOPLE. THIS IS WHAT WE CALL A TROLL. Go back to your parents basement and play with your paintbrush. LORD. |
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patienceisoverrated (Oct 1, 2006)
I love the internet.
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Kayos (Oct 1, 2006)
Hundred years from now if you will be known for anything at all - it will be your snide remark about Hinterbichler. LOL! comparing hickleballer to vangoh. hmmmm. hey guess what! I think that pickleburger is trying too hard to a famos artist. Or maby just has some hard core defenders who feel the need do god-alize his work. I honestly thought that link was a prank.
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Sweetcell (edited Oct 1, 2006)
If only Kay. A lonely little troll who hasn't even kissed a girl much less done anything else. Go hinterblocken yourself solopipi.
Teufel (Oct 2, 2006)
Troll or not, he certainly lead us away from the subject of this thread, which is the work of Mark Bradford. People: CONCENTRATE!
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Kloxboy (Oct 2, 2006)
Haha, lol Teufel. Yeah...let's just pretend Solipissy doesn't exist. :)
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Anna (Oct 2, 2006)
lol... solopipi and solipissy
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Maiko (Oct 2, 2006)
ahaha you guys are great.
Anyway, Kurt seems like a guy only rich enough to buy crayolas D:> I don't get anything from his work, and frankly, I wouldn't bother to even hang that stuff on my fridge >_>; |
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squee (edited Oct 2, 2006)
These two are fine artists, but Kurt Hinterbichler surpasses them in creative energy. Another Fine Piece of Hitlerbitchler Ever notice that everything they saw about his work, is the same? |
Teufel (Oct 2, 2006)
Haha, lol Teufel. Yeah...let's just pretend Solipissy doesn't exist. :)Solipsism is a philosophy, adepts of which deny the existence of any outside reality beyond one's mind. In his book "Materialism and Empiriocriticism" Lenin debunked Solipsism by exposing it as an extreme form of Idealism. The Solipsist derives his strength in denial of our existence. We can use the same weapon against him. Let us indeed pretend that he does not exist. |
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squee (edited Oct 2, 2006)
Many great artist, like Monet or Van Gogh, initially were subject to ridicule, just like Hinterbichler is now. However, even today, it is clear to the wise that Hinterbichler is assured a place in the Pantheon of Art. Van Gough was cooler cuz he cut off his ear. P.S.: Who are these "wise" ones you speak of? |
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SneakyWalter (edited Oct 2, 2006)
That's a great idea, Teufel. Thank you.
Calling anybody anything thats not assumed (In this case, "the wise") never helps because everyone has a different definition. In my personal opinion (which everone is entitled to, even pipi here), Van Gogh was better because his art took skill. |
Solipsist (Oct 2, 2006)
A lonely little troll who hasn't even kissed a girl much less done anything else. Go hinterblocken yourself solopipi.Do you have a habit of inventing things about total strangers? Who are these "wise" ones you speak of?Those who understand that the aim of the true art is to depict not what we see, but what we hear, feel, and smell. Modern art is using a different idiom from that of its immediate predecessors, and on that account the world has found it hard of comprehension. If I were obliged to define the dominant characteristic of this idiom in a word, I should say that it was "suggestion": The invoking a place or a character rather than depicting it. Depictions there are, of course, but the depictions are, so managed as to give an atmosphere rather than an "exact" account. It is here, that the insistence on the "exact" image has caused so much misunderstanding. The critics regard a thing as being thus and so, and no other way; to them the "exact" image means the image which exactly depicts it as it is. To the artist, the thing is as it suggests itself, in relation to the whole, and the "exact" image is the - one which best renders - this suggestion. These are the basic things you have to understand before judging the work of Kurt Hinterbichler, or, for that matter, of Mark Bradford. |
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Sweetcell (Oct 2, 2006)
LORD, solopipi, you are an annoying little flame bait. My time for you is over. I ignore you now.
Just on an aside, there's a life out in the real world, maybe try it sometime. boo. |
Teufel (Oct 2, 2006)
LORD, solopipi, you are an annoying little flame bait. My time for you is over. I ignore you now.I am afraid that you are getting to emotional. As Lenin said: "The emotions are not skilled workers." And, most important, you deviate from the subject. |
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Sweetcell (Oct 2, 2006)
Emotional? Hell no, just a little up from the beer? :)
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squee (Oct 3, 2006)
There is nothing to understand about Hitlerbitchler, just the fact that he's really a 4 year old with crayons.
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xiau (Oct 3, 2006)
Those who understand that the aim of the true art is to depict not what we see, but what we hear, feel, and smell.His pictures smell like fart. |
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Nightmare (Oct 3, 2006)
Wait, if we are depicting what we hear, feel, and smell, what are we doing drawing visual art?
I guess we all need to take up music and/or cooking classes to be TRUE ARTISTS. |
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SneakyWalter (Oct 3, 2006)
The fact remains, however, the Van Gogh had much more technical skill. And that's I like to see.
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frootcake (Oct 3, 2006)
bring back figurative art, where true masters once shone.
stop the variety, stop the rebellion. Hinterbugger fails at art because he does not depict anything, beyond it's minimal aesthetic, it offers jack squat. and only blind fools who hope to follow in this guys footsteps will continue to be so stubborn about his 'talent'. For all it's worth, i'm not exactly a fan of mark bradford, although his art does offer some interesting patterns and layers. the aim of true art? go fuck yourself. |
Solipsist (Oct 3, 2006)
Hinterbugger fails at art because he does not depict anything, beyond it's minimal aesthetic,Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote: "Perfection is attained not when there is nothing to add, but when there is nothing to take away." Hinterbichler removes everything living only the essential aesthetic. His works are perfect. |
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squee (Oct 4, 2006)
What website did you get that from? These words you speak are far more intelligent for your mind. I mean.. come on, you like Hitlerbitchler's work. How many brain cells do you have? 2?
I'm with froot on this, Go fuck yourself and choke on your rather small penis. |
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SneakyWalter (Oct 4, 2006)
Solipsist, you can't really expect everyone to go by Antoine de Saint-Exupery's philosophy. If you want to believe him, I won't stop you and actually don't care very much. However, I'm not about to rearrange any aspect of my concept of art (Which, like I said, is good technical skill) to follow what you believe. I don't think anyone else here will either.
Squee, not to defend him, but he's already heard all that before I'm sure. Saying that doesn't do anything to him. |
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squee (Oct 4, 2006)
:x Sorry Sorry, That wasn't a good day or me.
Solipsist, stop with the Hinterbichler crap. Please? D:> (That better? Trying not to be so friggin retarded when I post. >.<;;) |
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kejoco (edited Oct 4, 2006)
*posts sign*
"Please do not feed the trolls" The original poster of this forum also posted that same message on the website reverent.org. Owner and operator of the site being "Mikhail Simkin", who as it turns out happens to be a member of this site and has in the past posted similar messeges as those posted here by Solipsist. The so called "art" of Kurt Hinterbichler is also quite obviously done as a joke, which is quite apparent if you bother to have a look at kurts website, which also includes his paper on "the theory of everything" *edit* also, to my understanding, someone who is a Solipsist only believes in what they pertain to be certain. Being so, it is useless to argue. In this case I think the person has taken this name in jest...hoping only to continue the argument/discussion |
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Gigandas (Oct 4, 2006)
I agree with kejoco here, it's pointless to carry on this argument. And looking at his name, he's probably laughing it up behind the computer screen, seeing how many people he can get to provoke him :P.
Solipsist (Oct 4, 2006)
The original poster of this forum also posted that same message on the website reverent.org. Owner and operator of the site being "Mikhail Simkin", who as it turns out happens to be a member of this site and has in the past posted similar messeges as those posted here by Solipsist.Sounds like kejoco is a seasoned conspiracy theorist. Sure: I am a part of Reverent conspiracy. Wonder: what are his views on 9-11? |
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kejoco (Oct 4, 2006)
Colonel Mustard did it with the lead pipe in the Conservatory
Solipsist (Oct 4, 2006)
Owner and operator of the site being "Mikhail Simkin"Who is this russki, that uses me as a pawn in his political games? |
Teufel (edited Oct 4, 2006)
Who is this russkiA Quiz Nazi. He writes lousy quizzes, with which he tries to proof Adolf Hitler's view on Modern Art. Recently he even translated those quizzes into the language of the Nazis. There is also evidence linking him to the 9-11 attacks. |
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Deformed (Oct 4, 2006)
Art? What art. I see no art.
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Kloxboy (Oct 4, 2006)
Simkin (aka Solipsist) is lame and so is his website.
Teufel (Oct 4, 2006)
Simkin (aka Solipsist)This puzzles me. I suspected that Solipsist is Kurt Hinterbichler. But may be Hinterbichler is just one of Simkin aliases? Or, may be, Simkin is in reality Hinterbichler? |
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marcello (Oct 4, 2006)
If you look at Kurt's website, it states "I am a Ph.D student in the theoretical physics department at Columbia University." Which, if isn't obvious by his website url, is made clear by Columbia's student list.
Hinterbichler's art page is merely a parody of certain aspects of the art community but cannot be taken as much more than that. I am certainly under the impression that he's a bit more mature than most of the trolls posting here (at least more intelligent), so I will assume they are not one in the same without any serious investigation. |
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Sweetcell (edited Oct 4, 2006)
It's all a joke people, in this case an annoying joke made by someone who's obviously alone and quite quite buggers. And my thought exactly Teurful. Hintergarden is solopipi drawing this juvenile crap then pretending to sell it as great art. IGNORE ZE TROLL. He's getting what he wants.
I hope a mod closes this post, it's getting rediculous. |
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TaCO (Oct 4, 2006)
Is anyone else sexually attracted to the color green?????
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Nightmare (edited Oct 4, 2006)
In before lock.
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Kloxboy (edited Oct 4, 2006)
I think it's more complex than that....
First of all, to understand who Solipsist is, you gotta understand how Simkin came to be. Now, Simkin was born to a three-legged bitch of a mother and he was always ashamed of this. After that, he was adopted by this man, Tito Liebowitz, he's a small time gun runner and fart sniffing promoter. So he puts Simkin into training for fart sniffing. They see Simkin sniff farts and he is good, he is damn good (at sniffing farts). But then, he had the fart sniff of his life. They pit him against his brother, Sir Butt Nugget. And Simkin said "no man, that's my brother, I can't sniff Sir Butt Nugget's ass", but they made him sniff him anyway, and Simkin, he sniffed his brother to death. Simkin said "that's it!", he called off all his sniffing competitions, and he started doing crack, and he freaked out. Then, in a rage, he collapsed, and his heart no longer beat. Now Simkin's ghost plagues the internet forums as a douche bag named Solipsist, annoying all of us from the great beyond. Wow, man. |
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shalalaheartattack (Oct 4, 2006)
I rather like Bradford. His style intrigues me, and makes me want to emulate it, just to feel what he does.
And Hundley is wonderful as well. His aesthetic isn't necesarily run-of-the-mill, and it's pretty damn cool. As to which of the two I favour over the other, it would have to be Hundley. (P.S. - It was definately Professor Plum in the Library with the candlestick.) |
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SneakyWalter (Oct 5, 2006)
Where do you get your information Clox? You seem rather well informed.
Teufel (Oct 5, 2006)
First of all, to understand who Solipsist is, you gotta understand how Simkin came to be. Now, Simkin was born to a three-legged bitch of a mother and he was always ashamed of this. After that, he was adopted by this man, Tito Liebowitz, he's a small time gun runner and fart sniffing promoter. So he puts Simkin into training for fart sniffing. They see Simkin sniff farts and he is good, he is damn good (at sniffing farts). But then, he had the fart sniff of his life. They pit him against his brother, Sir Butt Nugget. And Simkin said "no man, that's my brother, I can't sniff Sir Butt Nugget's ass", but they made him sniff him anyway, and Simkin, he sniffed his brother to death. Simkin said "that's it!", he called off all his sniffing competitions, and he started doing crack, and he freaked out. Then, in a rage, he collapsed, and his heart no longer beat. Now Simkin's ghost plagues the internet forums as a douche bag named Solipsist, annoying all of us from the great beyond. Wow, man.I congratulate Cloxboy on reaching truly Freudian depth of understanding. He should use his talents to explain Kinkade: it is obvious that his degenerate art is fueled by some traumatic childhood experience. Returning back to the Quiz Nazi, I found this page which is authored by him and is hosted by the UCLA webserver. http://www.ee.ucla.edu/~simkin/acrofilia.html I am shocked that a university can house such a racist, sexist, and homophobic hate webpage. It is clear to any person of democtratic convictions that cowardice is only despised due to bigotry of the wretched white male. They use the word as a pejorative, but what they call "cowardice" is in reality caution, maturity, and wisdom. The fact that Simking, despite his purpoted Ivy League education, does not understand that this thing is heavier than air and thus can fall is the evidence of his utmost stupidity. I hope that the progressive members of this forum will join me in petitioning the UCLA to remove this malitious webpage, so that it hurt the innocients no more. |
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kejoco (Oct 5, 2006)
You really do get bored a lot don't you?
seriously, get out more and stop posting under different names. I know consider yourself a clever "devil", but we do grow weary. However, if this sort of trolling really brings you happiness in life, shine on my friend, shine on. |
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marcello (Oct 5, 2006)
I have no clue what Teufel is on, but UCLA isn't an Ivy League school.
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squee (Oct 5, 2006)
I got lost when I came up to Cloxboy's post.
Soplaskdfjlaskdfj or whatever, is a complete loser who needs a life. There it's all solved :D Any why carry on this arguement of Hitlerbunchler? 'Cause it's downright fun and gives the public something to vent on. :P |
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Kloxboy (Oct 5, 2006)
That was my insane homage to a stoner flick, I guess that's too lowbrow for this crowd, or perhaps too nutty. :P
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Sweetcell (Oct 5, 2006)
I found it hilarious Clox. Freakin hilarious.
Word kejo, must be the same nutty. |
Teufel (Oct 5, 2006)
I have no clue what Teufel is on, but UCLA isn't an Ivy League school.He mentions it in his atrocious article http://ecclesiastes911.net/properly_prescribed.html But Marcello is right Simkin does not deserve his academic degrees. They should be taken away from him and awarded to Cloxboy, while Sweetcell should get his pilot's license. |
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Kloxboy (Oct 5, 2006)
Teufel: No thanks, those degrees are tainted with Simkin cooties. What an asinine suggestion. Someone get me another Red Bull, damn it!
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Noremac (edited Oct 5, 2006)
clearly teufel has an insight for the intellectual converse, or rather to state more dramatically with posture.
he's a gank, I swear he types with a thesaurus to illude the fact that he lacks any real charm or elequence. so is hintlerwhatever, modern "art" isnt art, fuck modern art. its crap without talent or discipline, just shoved onto a white backdrop. I'm not generally one to be assertive, or aggresive about certain matters, and i generally avoid debates. I say this now, and I'm standing by it till i fucking croak Fuck, modern art. - Cameron mitchell |
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kejoco (edited Oct 5, 2006)
Teuful, you seem to know a lot about simkin and his activities...strange that.
I like how you previously set yourself up earlier in this forum solipsist:Wonder: what are his views on 9-11?No less then 3 posts later, You then went on to show what you were alluding to... Teufel:There is also evidence linking him to the 9-11 attacks. Is it quite possible you are the same person? Or perhaps 2 seperate trolls? either way, are you having fun yet? Might it be possible that the whole reason to start a forum about "mark bradford" was a setup to refer back to the topic of "Kurt Hinterbichler" under your other id of solipsist...or for your friend to bring up the topic? |
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Kloxboy (Oct 5, 2006)
kejoco: I dunno about them but I'm having a blast.
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squee (Oct 6, 2006)
For what it's worth, Bradford has amazing art
Teufel (Oct 6, 2006)
Teufel: No thanks, those degrees are tainted with Simkin cootiesI am trying to do the best for you. My dear fellow, aren't you going to continue to prance around naked? No less then 3 posts later, You then went on to show what you were alluding to...Solipsist's post reminded me that Quiz Nazi is also linked to that. |
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kejoco (Oct 6, 2006)
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Kloxboy (Oct 6, 2006)
Teufel has fallen prey to the evil persuasion. I saw Teufel cast a spell on Goody Ann's chickens, now they lay rotten eggs! Teufel is a witch!
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Kasha (Oct 6, 2006)
It's a brilliant satire. lol, couldn't stop laughing.
I could have only wished I was that clever on my cherry pic. "this cherry symbolizes innocence and virginity. The blackness that surrounds it symbolizes salaity that empowers today's society" |
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Nightmare (edited Oct 6, 2006)
See my icon? The blackness around the white object symbolizes the black hate-filled surface which serves as a mask for the white wisdom beneath. The pale blue stands for the ever longing to be free, while the green stands for the enviromental solution to all problems.
HAY GUYS I WRITE BULLSHIT TOO. p.s. This thread beats 4chan anyday. Srsly. p.s.s. Burn the witch. |
Solipsist (Oct 6, 2006)
But Marcello is right Simkin does not deserve his academic degrees. They should be taken away from him and awarded to Cloxboy, while Sweetcell should get his pilot's license.I have a dream that one day the pilots will be judged not for maneuvers and other non-essential technical things, but for the content of their character. Than Sweetcell will become a champion abstract pilot. |
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Zack (edited Oct 6, 2006)
Evidential support for misanthropy.
Teufel (edited Oct 6, 2006)
Teuful, you seem to know a lot about simkin and his activities...strange that.Simkin's Nazi affiliations had been exposed before. See e.g. http://forums.craigslist.org/?ID=42601819 . His connection to 9-11 was also previously leaked over the internet, but I was unable to find that webpage. Apparently it was suppressed by the agents of Simkin. Kejoco, in present dire circustomses we should not invent conspiracy theories, but unite to oppose the plague of radical supremacist Simkinism. |
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Sweetcell (Oct 7, 2006)
I have a dream that one day the pilots will be judged not for maneuvers and other non-essential technical things, but for the content of their character. Than Sweetcell will become a champion abstract pilot. Solopipi, go draw a line :} |
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shalalaheartattack (Oct 8, 2006)
I remember my first year of highschool in Introduction to Art we drew lines for 3 weeks straight. That's it. Lines. Vertical lines, horizontal lines, curved lines, straight lines. It was crazy, but in the end you bet your boots we were amazing at drawing lines.
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Sweetcell (Oct 8, 2006)
shalala that's hilarious.
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Deformed (Oct 9, 2006)
Well. I'm gonna straighte this all out, 'kay? Y'see, The formula of a quadriheleotron is most definately the most complex in this galaxy, or so we thought. Alien life has been discovered on the planet Uranus, (Tee hee) and thusly proves that all apples are oranges, and that all repuplicans are indeed grapefruits. Caloo Callay, I solved the damn riddle of this here post. Gimme some crack! My youngins are cyrin'.
Simkin (Oct 9, 2006)
A routine daily procedure of googling for "Mikhail Simkin" had uncovered that Kejoco, Teufel, and Cloxgirl had used my name in vain.
As for Mark Bradford - some bot is postings his ads in all art forums over the internet. As for Kurt Hinterbichler he is the loser of the prestigious Pavel Jerdanowitch Painting Contest. But Marcello is right Simkin does not deserve his academic degrees. They should be taken away from him and awarded to Cloxboy, while Sweetcell should get his pilot's license.As for degrees, no one will see the difference: those degrees mean nothing. But as for piloting I think that in the interest of public safety I'll have to ghost-fly the plane for Sweetcell. There is also evidence linking him to the 9-11 attacks.The photo and endorsment in the logbook are genuine. The Arabic text is merely a translation of the article in The New Scientist ( http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn3168 ). BTW, you don't need to know Arabic to understand that it is a translation of that article. Here is the test for your intelligence: tell me how one can infer this. |
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Kloxboy (Oct 9, 2006)
Hey Simkin, you silly pants, I'm not a girl! You silly pants, you. Note, when referring to you as "silly pants", it's short for worthless, shit-stained, no good, cowardly, conceited, contemptuous, goat-scrotum from the infected womb of a decaying, maggot laden, gas-bloated pig. Simkin, you suck donkey dick. No one likes you here. Now, go google your name some more and leave us alone, you silly bitch.
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Deformed (Oct 9, 2006)
Note, when referring to you as "silly pants", it's short for worthless, shit-stained, no good, cowardly, conceited, contemptuous, goat-scrotum from the infected womb of a decaying, maggot laden, gas-bloated pig. Simkin, you suck donkey dick. No one likes you here. Now, go google your name some more and leave us alone, you silly bitch.Who's with me on the notion that the new insult master is Cloxboy? |
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Kloxboy (Oct 9, 2006)
Deformed: I'm no master, I merely stated what Simkin is.
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HunterKiller_ (Oct 9, 2006)
Bradford's work is fresh.
Hinterbichler is crap, i laughed when i read the descriptions of his 'artwork'. |
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sincity (Oct 10, 2006)
leave em be. this is what he wants, attention, nothing more. ignore him and he will go away. why give power to some one who isn't worth it. :}
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squee (Oct 10, 2006)
Why throw a bird to see if it can fly?
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Deformed (Oct 11, 2006)
So when it hits an electric fence and dies you can scream "HAHA! You procreate with dead monkies!".
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Zeal (Oct 11, 2006)
Dead monkies with Aids that is.
Lol,Clox,Your insults rock.Hardcore. Fucking trolls... |
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squee (Oct 12, 2006)
That makes you sound like a kiss-ass. 8D everyone loves a kiss-ass!
Lmao Deformed. |
Simkin (Oct 12, 2006)
Hey Simkin, you silly pants, I'm not a girl! You silly pants, you.The lady doth protest too much. methinks. |
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Nightmare (Oct 12, 2006)
lol attention whore.
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squee (Oct 12, 2006)
The lady doth protest too much. methinks. Yo, Simkin, we're in the 21st century. |
Solipsist (Oct 12, 2006)
As for Kurt Hinterbichler he is the loser of the prestigious Pavel Jerdanowitch Painting Contest.I couldn't imagine anyone being so callously wickid. Simkin, remove Kurt's art from your brothel! Immediately! Or you will hear from my barrister. |
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Deformed (edited Oct 12, 2006)
Let's be mean to him! Ok, i'll go first....Hold on.... Awright, Simkin, you perform acts of sexual nature with animals such as dogs,cows,cats and the occasional baby elephant. Go suck upon the scrotum of a two-legged dog. Ok! Whos up next?
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Kloxboy (Oct 12, 2006)
Simkin: You're a jackass. For someone who goes out of their way to mock artists, you're pretty unoriginal, your retorts lack style and heart. You're obviously confused, very bitter and have become an evil plague upon 2Draw, as well many other forums on the Internet. You're arrogant and you lack any sense of humility. You're the worst kind of person and you take pride in it. It's time you found something better to do with your "talents" because we're all pretty fed up with your bullshit. Go away! Be pathetic somewhere else, you horrible excuse for a human being.
And note, Solipsist is threatening himself. |
Teufel (Oct 12, 2006)
when referring to you as "silly pants", it's short for worthless, shit-stained, no good, cowardlyMy dear friend and comrade, I am all with you in opposing the plague of Simkinism, however, we should not use the language of bigotry. Similar to sexual orientation, cowardice is not a matter of choice and criticise for it is politically incorrect. I have a dream that one day the society will compensate cowards for historic injustice by instituting a National Day of Cowardice. (Or, may be, Day of National Cowardice, which will abbreviate conviniently as DNC.) I have a dream that one day, similar to their queer comrades, the cowards of San Francisco will march in a Cowardly Pride Parade. I have a dream that one day the phrase "home of the brave" will be removed from our national anthem and replaced with something more inclusive. |
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Nightmare (Oct 12, 2006)
Hey, just lock this shit for a thread and ban the two moron(s).
Teufel, go spread your dreams somewhere else. You are wasting your time here and are really fagging up the place. |
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Sweetcell (Oct 12, 2006)
As for Kurt Hinterbichler he is the loser of the prestigious Pavel Jerdanowitch Painting Contest. solopipi I couldn't imagine anyone being so callously wickid. Simkin, remove Kurt's art from your brothel! Immediately! Or you will hear from my barrister.. I do believe both voices in your head are arguring. Hide the knives, hide the women. Please won't ANYONE think of the children. |
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squee (Oct 13, 2006)
Hey, just lock this shit for a thread and ban the two moron(s). Then they'd ban the entertainment. As for the two morons, all they're doing is flipping through Dictionaries and finding big words to construct sentences with. They're both in on this, trying to fill 2draw up with complete bullshit about nothing. What they think they're doing is trying to make themselves sound superior because they can't even draw a fucking straight line. In actuallity they're nothing but a bunch of losers sitting at their computers with their dictionaries and sodas and causing uproars for the meer hell of it. I dare you both to go into an art college and display a picture of Hinterbichler's work. I can guarantee you they'd rip it down and ask who's kid did the drawing. So both of you just shut your fucking faces and stop filling 2draw up with useless crap. Have a Nice Day. |
Simkin (Oct 13, 2006)
Simkin, remove Kurt's art from your brothel!I am pimping Kurts art with his consent. |
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kejoco (Oct 13, 2006)
soylent green is...................................PEOPLE!!!!!
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Nightmare (Oct 13, 2006)
so uhm, I heard you like spam?
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squee (Oct 13, 2006)
I am pimping Kurts art with his consent. If he wanted his art "pimped" he'd do it himself. STFU and Leave! |
Teufel (Oct 14, 2006)
Teufel, go spread your dreams somewhere else. You are wasting your time here and are really fagging up the place.These dreams are not just mine but of the millions of cowardly americans. You can't forbid them to dream. |
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Sweetcell (Oct 14, 2006)
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... Soylent Green.
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