100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 57 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Kraisa (Sep 18, 2006)
Please don't feed the vegetation.
Kraisa (Sep 18, 2006)
drawn in 57 min
pandabarrie (Sep 18, 2006)
's creepy. .. but cool...its like you dont want to look at it for too long...but then you wanna. im in love with the foot
Kayos (Sep 18, 2006)
deliciouso! I bet it ate some poor un-suspecting horse......or maby just a frog
KuteDymples (Sep 18, 2006)
This reminds me of that crazy movie with the man eating plant and everyone in the movie is singing. Very cool picture by the way!
Kraisa (Sep 18, 2006)
Yeah I thought of that too as I got towards the end...then my hubby told me it looked like that one pokemon that ate james when he made it come I punched him.
This thing soooo eats horses...frogs are merely a snack!
Sweetcell (Sep 18, 2006)
Get into the song "She's a maneater." replacing It with She.

Please take my man but leave my horse alone. Colors are shweet.
davincipoppalag (Sep 18, 2006)
I keep thinking " Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp" hehee
Qwerty_Wittle_Fawah (Sep 19, 2006)
this is creepily freaking cool....I love the claws on the roots
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