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mikron (Sep 15, 2006)
The beauty is in the eye of the beholder and therefore I suggest that there will be a quick voting system for each piece
with negative and positive voting buttons (2 buttons). If the piece has 5 more negative votes than positive votes, then the piece will be transferred automatically to a lower level board, and the votings for that piece will be nullified. Of course that double voting won't be allowed and will be enforced by saving a list of users who already voted to the specified piece. (That list may or may not not be visible... a choise for the site designer... *The list will also be nullified after a transfer has occurred*) I thought about it due to the latest phenomenon of people posting drawings which is not advanced enough for the board it was submitted to, and Axil's criticize about some of those drawings. |
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DoOp (Sep 15, 2006)
That would be good, but what about 2draw gangees? ?_? you know, those that gang up on people and just vote 'em down because they can?_? i dunno
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squee (Sep 15, 2006)
Once you truly think about it there are a lot of assholes on this site that will do anything to ruin someone.
Shanghai (edited Sep 15, 2006)
I haven't been paying attention to recent comments, but people posting pictures on boards more advanced than the individual image isn't anything new, even if it's supposedly happening more now than a few weeks ago (which I also haven't been paying attention to).
I remember when deviantart added a rating system to comment posts themselves and suddenly every flame war/arguement/disagreement of any level ended with some random person disliking what was said by one side and then giving the lowest rating to every single post that had supported that side of view. Sometimes one person involved in an arguement would suddenly find every post they had made in a completely unrelated thread rated the lowest score too. Nearly every staff member or any popular and well known person would almost always get rated with high scores by many people on every post they made no matter what it was. People in general, and especially when you put them on the internet and give them a feeling of anonymity, aren't mature enough to be fair when rating the posts or images of others once personal feelings are factored in. any rating system I think might possibly work would have to be non-automated for fairness and non-public. The problem is that'd mean the staff here'd be sorting through a lot of invisible ratings every day though, just to see if popular opinion is against a certain picture, and they can judge for themselves whether something isn't good enough quality for a board without our input I think. |
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mikron (edited Sep 15, 2006)
mmmm.. I have thought about this scenario and assumed that the good guys will save the drawings from the so called "gangees"... But maybe I'm too optimistic..
If this will be done, the mods won't have to take care of the drawing level violations and the power will be with the common sence of the people.. Also, people who can't really find the words to comment on the drawing can just vote *positive*. redpanda : I guess we won't know until we won't try... I think that the community of 2draw is a bit different, but I don't really know. I don't know about those gangs... I mean, I haven't seen much negative comments on drawings (unless ppl really thought the drawing was not good enough for the level of the board (And more people was lazy enough to move on without commenting about it)) Anyway.. I think that there is a majority of good and considering people with good judgement for art. |
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Axil62 (Sep 15, 2006)
2Draw is not a democracy. Just ask Marcello. You're stupid, your art sucks, your idea sucks, now shut up.
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Sweetcell (edited Sep 15, 2006)
Have to say, I think Redpanda summed it up perfectly. The other problem I see with a rating system is at some point someone will take it personally that so and so got more points for a piece than they did (especially if that someone felt theirs was better than so and so's) and that can start some ugliness IE: the friends of the low score rallied and complained against the other. I think the best example to use is showcase. I understand it's really not that big a deal, it's more a question of moderators appeal than how good a picture is, yet everyone sees it as the ultimate goal, get a piece on showcase. It had caused a lot of blowouts (I'm thinking of one particular incident a few months back) and I know a few people who have taken a personal offence not getting a piece in there when others (they considered of lesser quality) should not have been. Frankly it was taken too seriously by many and created some tension for awhile. To me I can see the same thing happening here. Not only taking some votes as a personal attack, but those that would use the system to make it as a personal vendetta. Might be making too much of this but I like things the way they are.
And if Marcello needs more moderators, and he thinks I'm good enough I'll volunteer. Lord knows I'm not doing anything else right now. |
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solve (Sep 15, 2006)
lol @ Axil. That so made my day. I have your toast.
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HunterKiller_ (edited Sep 15, 2006)
That's a dumb idea. =)
EDIT: For so many reasons which i do not care to give explainations to. |
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mikron (edited Sep 16, 2006)
Axil, I don't give a shit about you or your opinions.
You can keep swearing and showing more evidence to the lame people who follow you because of your skill that if someone's good at something it doesn't mean that he's not an asshole. Sweetcell : I think its a good idea that you'll become a mod. |
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solve (Sep 16, 2006)
mikron, Im not his follower, nor is anyone else on this site. I even agree that Axil comes off as an asshole at times as well. But what he said was correct, this isnt a democracy, and your idea is bad. Maybe he didnt have to say it as such, BUT I FOUND IT FUNNY LOL!
Dont expect to be handled with kids gloves anywhere. |
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mikron (edited Sep 16, 2006)
ok, I haven't said those things about anyone who thinks as Axil that my idea is bad. it was a general saying...
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Nightmare (Sep 16, 2006)
No. Go away.
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Axil62 (Sep 16, 2006)
Asshole? Me? Gosh!
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Purgatori1 (Sep 16, 2006)
I don't think mikron's art gallery is all that bad! Some are quite good and some are just plain wierd but I wouldn't say they sucked. O u did that didn't u Axil. Nonetheless, it wasn't a very good idea you had there, mikron.
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SneakyWalter (Sep 18, 2006)
Any rating system of any kind can be screwed up by the limitless amount of people on the interent that don't take these things seriously. I'm sure Marcello has thought about rating systems before. I've thought about it before and I think the only people that can be trusted with making decisions about other people's work fairly are moderators.
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mikron (Sep 18, 2006)
tnx Purgatori :) next time its better just to ignore him ;)
Well I guess will have to wait untill all the people in the site will be decent :P at least I tried.. maybe we'll get to a better solution some day.. |
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Hakkai (Sep 18, 2006)
You people trust me as a moderator?
HA! |
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friend (Sep 18, 2006)
Mikron...you should takes things seriously from everyone except Axil62, i think its saved many a friendship.
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DeadlyBlondeArcher (Sep 18, 2006)
I think you should take Axil62 very seriously and ignore everyone else (except for maybe King Marcy and his army of moderators.) Yeah, that would be a good plan.
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mikron (Sep 19, 2006)
But now I'll have to ignore what you've just said to me... oh well... ;)
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friend (Sep 19, 2006)
Uhh, what? Have i been doing things wrong all along? Maybe i should just lie down...
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