eevildeeva (Jul 29, 2006)
The Cthulhu-Geisha. Beautiful yet deadly, the mere existence of this creature proves the old addage 'Beauty is only skin deep'. Usually found inhabiting Kyoto tea-houses late at night while cleverly disguised as a normal everyday tea-hostess, she can only be observed showing her true form when recklessly accused of serving drinks at the wrong temperature by some hapless and unsuspecting 'gaijin'...--- True story: So a friend and I went to a local sushi bar a couple of nights ago. We ordered Sake, our traditional beverage of the evening. As it turns out our order took unusually long, and our Sake, while normally served nice and toasty warm, arrived ever-so-slightly..mmm...dare I say..*cold*. Not feeling it was worthy of troubling the waitress, I mentioned it to my dinner partner- under my breath, of course. Apparently, however, I was not quite out of range of her super-sonic ears. Our petite, traditionally-clad Asian waitress spun around in a veritable whirlwind of kanzashi, silk and pure unadulterated hellish fury and exclaimed "WHAT did you SAY about MY Sake?". I kid you not, folks- never in all my life have I witnessed a more grotesque and heinous display of evil countenance on any human face. For that brief second, she looked something like this...
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drawn in 1 hour 48 min
drawn in 2 hours 48 min
drawn in 41 min
drawn in 17 min
drawn in 27 min
i just love the face and the furious eyes and that green thing too
Never had sake, I thought it was supposed to be served cold. Hate warm drinks.
Sake is a rice wine. There are different types, some are supposed to be room temp, but the kind you get with dinner is traditionally warmed up, kinda like drinking alcoholic hot tea. I still think that waitress was just experiencing particularly brutal PMS.
Thanks for turning me on to something new, Skai, that's really cool!
Anyway, great drawing. I love it x)
Those is one of the reason why some people don't complain at those places I think.........
Any ways I really love this drawing alot, got to love the evil look on her eyes, almost makes me remember about medusa.............>-<
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