boardsintermediateTucker as Nights
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drawn in 2 hours 42 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
101_Torchic_101 (Jul 14, 2006)
(^u^) It's Tucker dressed as Nights! (maiko guessed right) He looks pretty good as him =D.....Damn, his shoulder's off D=...Oh, well..
101_Torchic_101 (Jul 14, 2006)
drawn in 27 min
DrsFan (Jul 14, 2006)
nice lineart so far...cant wait till its done.
101_Torchic_101 (Jul 14, 2006)
(^_^) Thanks..I'm gonna do a little bit more right now..
101_Torchic_101 (Jul 14, 2006)
drawn in 11 min
(0_0) It wouldn't let me erase..I needed to erase some of the thing on his neck, and draw it bigger...dammit..
101_Torchic_101 (Jul 14, 2006)
drawn in 30 min
XD He looks so cute, lol..don't mind the hair..I know, It's not the right shape of the other character's head..but..That's just what Tucker's hair is like..
101_Torchic_101 (Jul 14, 2006)
drawn in 23 min
Safety save..
101_Torchic_101 (Jul 14, 2006)
drawn in 21 min
(^u^) Yay! Tucker looks geed as him!
Maiko (Jul 14, 2006)
OH my God. He's Nights XD
I LOVE Love love Nights XD <3 wow, sucks though that many people don't know who he is :\
Nights = hawt.

hahah, I've ranted enough.
:] very nice.
101_Torchic_101 (edited Jul 14, 2006)
XD Ding! Yep, he's Nights, lol. And, yeah, Nights is awesome! (i have a nights chao on SAB2! XD) Hm...I might keep Tucker's hair color the same..or make it the same color as the costume...I dunno..XD I wish I made the canvas longer, so I could draw the rest of the costume. Oh, well...I know, I could just resize the picture, but..last time I did that with one of my pictures, and, it really messed it up D=
Maiko (Jul 14, 2006)
yeah, don't resize it D:> It'll ruin the pic.

ee <3 can't wait for it to be done. :]
concannon (Jul 14, 2006)
Your lineart makes me say "whoa".
101_Torchic_101 (Jul 14, 2006)
(^u^) Thank you! Though, my lineart is a little messed up in some parts of this picture, though =o
101_Torchic_101 (Jul 14, 2006)
drawn in 30 min
101_Torchic_101 (Aug 1, 2006)
drawn in 17 min
(X_x) Gaahh..Quick revision..I can draw more pictures now!..
Sasuke-fan-Sapphire (Aug 2, 2006)
this is cool X3 Nights is awesome =D
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (edited Aug 2, 2006)
He he interesting and nice.............:]
It cough my eye when I saw this.............^-^
............Logging of Lore.V............
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