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drawn in 17 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Expendable-Studios (Jul 5, 2006)
Got a wicked redneck sunburn from helping at the special olympics. i worked my ass of and all i got was a dumb t-shirt and a sunburn.
Expendable-Studios (Jul 5, 2006)
drawn in 17 min
SanzoGirl (Jul 5, 2006)
Aw. D:
I'm sorry.
I've never gotten sunburn before, I just get tan.
Well, I got it on my cheeks once, but it was just warm, it didn't hurt.
But I'm sure that one hurts. D:
Hope it goes away soon! :D
Noremac (edited Jul 5, 2006)
-viscious humping-
love your toes :D
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