Im going to havta coax you into posting more often if these are the end results! Just kidding, I dont take an resposability for these. Rats off to you sir.
You make even the German's funny, as in interesting. (did that makes sense?)
I'm curious, have you or do you ever plan to work on a comic? I'd certainly buy them. I love that such a juggernaut was stopped by a small little thing like that. Till they point that cannon of theirs.
drawn in 1 hour 1 min
drawn in 3 hours 39 min
"Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!"
I like this picture :)
I'm curious, have you or do you ever plan to work on a comic? I'd certainly buy them. I love that such a juggernaut was stopped by a small little thing like that. Till they point that cannon of theirs.