Poppa, I think instead he'll hurt you with his magic (he will be doing magic) and in the most sadistic way possible because, well, he luvs to hurt people.
Well everytime I use the specialty tools like individual move or magic wand and now halftones when I try to go back to normal painting no brush strokes appear. Is this a quirk of Lascaux?
Yes, that is a bug I've noticed in Lascaux... I don't even understand why hitting the undo button to before the time of using the select tool causes the applet to allow one to continue drawing... :P
edit: I forgot to tell you that I think this drawing is cool... Especially the metal of the helmet...
When the tools seem to lock up it usually means you have a malfunctioning selection area, which you can clear by pressing Ctrl-D. I don't know how it could mess up after using the halftones though, unless you mistook 0 for the normal intensity setting instead of 255.
Sweetcell (edited Jul 12, 2006)
drawn in 5 hours 30 min
Thank you Dave, Nicky, and HK, I hated the first image I did, tried something else and thought *meh*, I'll do a younger version, when he first comes into power.
I love seeing your art in color!!! I like the different textures here!! The roughness of the fur, the shiny metal, and soft material add awesome contrast and you've tied them in to work well together!!!
drawn in 40 min
Thanks you two.
drawn in 1 hour 3 min
edit: I forgot to tell you that I think this drawing is cool... Especially the metal of the helmet...
drawn in 5 hours 30 min
Younger, but still a nasty piece.
Shave an hour eating, drinking, stuff.
Gotta get me a gold throne to sit on.