100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 2 hours 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
tandrew971 (Jun 9, 2006)
tandrew971 (Jun 9, 2006)
drawn in 1 hour 25 min
Knockoff (Jun 9, 2006)
Really well done. You got the lighting almost perfect. If I didn't know I was on 2draw, I would've thought it was a picture of one.
tandrew971 (Jun 9, 2006)
drawn in 13 min
Pseudonymous (Jun 9, 2006)
Oh beauuuutiful. Simply perfect. I don't even see a pixel off. It's hard to get it so smooth looking on here. *keeps blabbing on for an hour*
tandrew971 (Jun 9, 2006)
drawn in 20 min
tandrew971 (Jun 9, 2006)
drawn in 4 min
ssmario100 (Jun 9, 2006)
its like you can drink it right off the spot. Very realistic. Great, GREAT job.
Sweetcell (Jun 9, 2006)
Damn girl, you got the roundness you got the light, you got the shadows on the wine..... come a long way for the black and white. Finish soon.
tandrew971 (Jun 9, 2006)
thank you knockoff, pseudonymous, samario, and sweetcell.
Axil62 (Jun 9, 2006)
A beautiful glass of wine.
tandrew971 (Jun 9, 2006)
drawn in 16 min
tandrew971 (Jun 9, 2006)
drawn in 1 min
Gemmy619 (Jun 9, 2006)
Looks great, i like the shine on the glass.
tandrew971 (Jun 9, 2006)
thanks axil and gemmy.
Knockoff (Jun 9, 2006)
Wow, very nice. I like the finished results. Looks very smooth and glad like.
davincipoppalag (Jun 9, 2006)
Wonderful wonderful wonderful.. NOw.. after you drink that will you talk dirty to us?
tandrew971 (edited Apr 3, 2008)
i may, never know what ill do after drinking :) thanks you two
davincipoppalag (Jun 9, 2006)
Your wine looks safer than mine.. hehe
TammyF (Jun 9, 2006)
This is amazing!!! It looks so real!
tandrew971 (Jun 9, 2006)
thank you tammy.
SYTHE (Jun 9, 2006)
Looks alot like one of those oil paintings done on a felt canvas. Very classy.
Miss_DJ (Jun 9, 2006)
excellent rendition!! move this out of beginner..this isn't beginner stuff! beautiful!
JK-Arts (Jun 9, 2006)
i think you made the glass look very realistic
tandrew971 (Jun 10, 2006)
thank you sythe, miss dj and jk-arts
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