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drawn in 2 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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Pseudonymous (May 26, 2006) — edit
Pseudonymous (May 26, 2006)
drawn in 2 hours
davincipoppalag (May 26, 2006)
Gorgeous! She looks familiar but I dont place her...hmmmm
Pseudonymous (May 26, 2006)
Thanks Dave :)
I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.
TaCO (edited May 26, 2006)
WoW It's a very strong image!!!!!
Pseudonymous (May 26, 2006)
Thanks, Derrick :)
Deino (May 26, 2006)
Very, veyr nicely done! I specially like her hair ;)
Rukia (May 26, 2006)
Emm... I 'm guessing Audrey Hepburn? *stupid guess XD*
Very very amazing picture, even though you used just black and white. I'm surprised why this pic is in beginner anyway.
Gemmy619 (May 26, 2006)
Really good draw, i also recognise her but cant think of her damn name.
khendar (May 26, 2006)
For some reason I am thinking Anna Faris....But I'm probably wrong.
Sufiroyce (May 26, 2006)
This is a very very strong image it POPS out at yah great picture
Pseudonymous (May 26, 2006)
Thanks, y'all!
No, it's not Audrey, and not Anna.
kejoco (May 27, 2006)
its Keira Knightley...good job
Pseudonymous (May 28, 2006)
It is. Thank you. :)
How'd you figure, kejoco? I tried to make it look the least like her as possible.
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