You mean the sketchy look of the outlines? Are you using Anti Alias, that smoothes lines overall, and erasure on low opacity gives you more control when you erase. I also use the line and bezier tools for some of the curves, that's what they're there for. And when you ink try a less intence dark, low to med opacity, that helps too. Hope that answers your question.
drawn in 23 min
drawn in 10 min
drawn in 34 min
Gah. How do I fix wobbley lines?
You mean the sketchy look of the outlines? Are you using Anti Alias, that smoothes lines overall, and erasure on low opacity gives you more control when you erase. I also use the line and bezier tools for some of the curves, that's what they're there for. And when you ink try a less intence dark, low to med opacity, that helps too. Hope that answers your question.
Finish this.
drawn in 1 hour