Dammit...i was going for coloring it right now but i only got to take out the stuff and clean it up...i gotta go do something now -.- i'll come back to this later...
and does any one have any ideas how i should color this?
i mean should i use that tone thingy..i happen to like it.. ^^ or color it like with a blendy look...
i'll figure it out...^^;
drawn in 59 min
drawn in 14 min
drawn in 15 min
I keep saving because my computer turns off randomly...;-;
The one to the left is my favorite :]
drawn in 17 min
This is amazing! :D
drawn in 5 min
and does any one have any ideas how i should color this?
i mean should i use that tone thingy..i happen to like it.. ^^ or color it like with a blendy look...
i'll figure it out...^^;
drawn in 1 hour 26 min
drawn in 36 min
drawn in 43 min
drawn in 44 min
drawn in 39 min
i like tones though ^_^ fun to use :D