If your going to spend so little time on a piece and only practice then don't submit. Work harder and actually look a ref to get the proportions lighting and shading right.
Emily, you're 12 so.. yeah. We all have our strengths. i'm better at drawing animals. You can draw people. Other people can draw realism and some can do all of that. I'm not that good at this kind of stugg. I did put effort into this, I jsut have no strength in realism, I'm better at other things.
age doesn't matter....i can't draw people (or anything for that matter) and if you're not good at realism then don't draw or submit it unless you think it actually looks good. it's that simple
You can draw Emily. Trust me you can compared to me. I thought this looked good to me, and people put me down too much. I was doing a practice on this, but thought it turned out okay... I just think that I'm too self degrading and people hate my drawings too much to even care if I put effort in it....
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drawn in 23 min
I'm only 11...
Suck at drawing realism
First picture with Layers
Just joined... only my 4th picture....
drawn in 4 min