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drawn in 1 hour 26 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
gerbear (Apr 21, 2006)
more experimenting
gerbear (Apr 21, 2006)
drawn in 57 min
gerbear (Apr 21, 2006)
drawn in 28 min
davincipoppalag (Apr 21, 2006)
Etchy experimenting
tandrew971 (Apr 21, 2006)
i love all the purple in it that is my favorite color...and the rest is beautiful also :)
laurael (Apr 21, 2006)
Very appealing to look at...I like that bg too!
Miss_DJ (Apr 22, 2006)
nice flower Ms Bear! hey sweetcell, is it Frankenstein in Young Frankenstein, when the lil pig-tailed girl hands him a flower? If not, it should
gerbear (Apr 22, 2006)
Thanks everyone, this style of drawing is fun!
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 22, 2006)
HAH... one of the vidlits I illustrated with Frankie has flowers... lol
I like it, too, it's sort of angled but yet a crosshatch effect as well. Almost reminds me of crayolas all over manilla paper and then black over that, and then scratching the picture into the layers of crayola wax. That was FUN art.

(there's always Earl to throw in the lake... and I always got extra tarps if ya need em, they stay in the bed of my truck) ;)
gerbear (edited Apr 22, 2006)
I do that crayon project with my kids (I am an art teacher, all ages). But we use india ink over the crayola, faster. They still love it tho now you can buy Scratch art sheets that already have it done and all you have to do is scratch..that takes the real fun out of it!!

Vidlit huh? Never heard of that before!! I watched it but will watch with sound tomorrow, don't want to wake the hubby *L* do these vidlits huh? Any money in it? I am quitting teaching in the fall to persue my own artwork but would love a "side" paid art project. You have prolly seen enuff of my stuff by now to know I can do realism or whatever style is called for ina project. I did 6 illustrations for an astrology website Ezine. They paid well too and I got to keep the original art. Very nice job on the vidlit!! I recognized your style. :)

Pretty odd about Frankenstein and Flowers!! What is the chance someone was gonna mention Frankie on my flower draw? Zero? Less than zero? This happens to me every is driving me insane *L* Tues. some lil kids in my art class mentioned the daughter of a woman I had not seen in 8 yrs at least. Less than 48 hours later I walk into a restaurant and there she is!! Geeeeeeez.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 24, 2006)
oh sorry... I didn't see this... I saw your comment in my forum post so I came back to reply... yes, I did 3 Vidlits... and they paid me to do them (I don't know what you'd consider "well", but I was happy with it because I loved doing it) They are short video clips advertising published books right before they hit the shelves. Here are the links to the other two:

Doesn't EVERYONE in their right mind think of Frankenstein when they see a flower? hah :)
gerbear (Apr 24, 2006)
Hey DBa, I went and watched Bullrider, it was great! Trumpination is not working. I tried getting there from the website also. I had never heard of a vidlit before, what a good idea!
DeTroy (May 25, 2006)
I love this flower, because to me, this picture is not so much about flowers as the way the world around throws beauty in our face. We must look for it though, and sometimes search, but it is there, in sudden surprising ways
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