gerbear (edited Apr 19, 2006)
drawn in 3 hours 7 min
Made this up completely. Nose and mouth need to be dropped down a bit and the mouth on the left side got too short as I shaded, otherwise I think it is ok from memory. I made the eyes bright on purpose to add interest since the work was so dark.
I heart layers! I don't know how to draw without them now. I keep looking for the layers button on my paper! hehe not really :) I like the blue of the eyes! v.1 is scary
Yeah, v. 1 gives me the creepies. I think that the pupils need to be centered in the iris, right now they are too close to the top, does that make sense? The nose is lovely.
Sweets, this is not really realism. I made it up and there are mistakes everywhere. But it was great practice for learning facial features. thanks all for the nice words. You are right and the pupils are not centered! They can be cut off by the upper lid like I have it if they are dilated enuff, but they are not centered! *laffing* I liked version 2 better. I am going to take the lips off and move them down. Then I will be happy with this. I like the eyes so will prolly leave the pupils where they are. Wonder if I could cut and paste the mouth? Can you "select" then copy that to its own layer? Hmmmmmm...a new problem to solve!
I drew four entirely different people!! All from my imagination. All off a bit but I am happy with this last revision tho it looks more female now. Maybe this is Laura of Arabia!! Layers are awesome but take some serious getting used to if you are a big blender. I kept trying to blend skin tones with the layer underneath! But it was helpful tho I could select I could not copy or deselect. I'll look at the tutorial again. It's all there.
Thanks ya'll. i am thinking about changing it again. The nose is too big on the right side and the mouth is still too short on the left. Since it is now a woman I guess, might make the lashes longer too*LOL*
Good point...but it would take so lil to make her really pretty..oh well...maybe I will move on. If it bothers me in a week still I'll go back and change it!
drawn in 11 min
drawn in 3 hours 7 min
drawn in 1 hour 47 min
drawn in 2 hours 35 min
drawn in 2 min
drawn in 46 min