boardsbeginnerHappy bdays!
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drawn in 15 min with OekakiBBS
taori (Jul 5, 2003)
Happy birthdays (a day early) to MKK and GEM, from your friendly neighborhood maniac! (She looks a little scary, I wouldn't open that present if I were you.)
taori (Jul 5, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
mkkmypet (edited Jul 5, 2003)
Thanks Taori! Heh, I'll take your advice! Did you enjoy Xod's clown show? : D
taori (edited Jul 5, 2003)
*Glances sideways at Xod in clown suit* It's enjoyable in the same way watching the evening news is enjoyable: you have to have a very, very dark sense of humor. *Shivers*
OneWingedMoo9se (edited Jul 6, 2003)
Happy Birthday to both GEM and mkkmypet!
rosalyn (edited Jul 6, 2003)
HAppy BirfDay Guys!!!!!
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