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Kokain (Apr 4, 2006)
This isn't Chun Lei.. or whoever. Its a friends char. I know it took so long.. I was doing other things also, I was adding basic sketch and colour first.[yes.. colour, im british]So dont give me the "this shouldn't be on intermediate" bullshit.. or any doubtful remarks of nasty things, because I'm NOT FINISHED.
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drawn in 2 hours 27 min
Right, so, I'm not. Whatever, I like spelling things with the 'u' anyway!
Observe; Those ColoUrs are my favoUrite. Especially the BlUe.
No wait, Blue has a U anyway. Nevermind, I still like it.
Her face is looking great. And don't worry, when I saw this I was definitely not thinking Chun Li.
I was thinking 'I like the name Tera.' And I do.
Can't wait to see finished!
Maybe adding her other shoulder too? Iono.. something about the way neck curves into her breast is a bit odd. Could just be the pose.
--Nekodesu, I haven't been on here for awhile, but I've just been refreshed and I now know what you mean.
As for the teets and shoulder, There is going to be a kind of.. shoulder fold thing above, so I'll make it that her shoulder doesn't actually go that far up her body. -- The other shoulder will be sketched soon.
drawn in 1 hour 52 min
drawn in 39 min