boardsintermediatescariest thing i have ever seen
watch animation - % - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 19 min with PaintBBS
Loogie (Jul 3, 2003)
when i was 8 or nine, i saw these farm animal toys that were supposed to go with some barbie playset, and the mumsy pig had eyeshadow and huge eyelashes, anyhoo, this picture is major crap, and when i edit this, i will just draw an entirely different picture...
Loogie (Jul 3, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
concannon (edited Jul 3, 2003)
*starts, screams, and dies*

DAMN, don't do that! o.O Nifty shading, by the way.
rosalyn (edited Jul 3, 2003)
Yikes what a nightmare toy to see at such a young age.>< *pat pat*
Xodiak (edited Jul 3, 2003)
Haha! She is sexy. When I was little I found it terribly disturbing that when I undressed the dolls they had no pipi. It was horrible. I asked my mommy why they don't have it. Like the movie with David Bowie, "The Man Who Fell To Earth" where David Bowie shows his genitals in a scene but when he gets his real alien form, his crotch has not genitals at all. >:)
Kazukie (edited Jul 4, 2003)
Xod!! You poor baby! ;___; That must have been awful! -hugs-
Daymeon_StormRider (Feb 9, 2004) frighten me sometimes...but I wanna see that David Bowie movie...**drools** GODS! He's sho Pretty-Full!!! Ermm yeah...I remember wondering about the Barbie "pippi's" and what not...and I always wondered why there wasn't a fat Barbie...and well yeah why all the animals had make up on...even the friggin baby did!!!! WTF?! BABIES DO NOT I REPEAT NOT WEAR MAKE UP!!! <.< >.> >.< what'd I do?
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