boardsintermediateLqqking sharp
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drawn in 2 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
solve (Mar 29, 2006)
solve (Mar 29, 2006)
drawn in 56 min
solve (Mar 30, 2006)
drawn in 34 min
comd (Mar 30, 2006)
Looks great so far. I love the two-color drawings. They form such an interesting arrangement of shapes.
solve (Mar 30, 2006)
drawn in 8 min
Renuar (Mar 30, 2006)
ahh, i like. solid.
davincipoppalag (Mar 30, 2006)
You do this style very well!
Zack (Mar 30, 2006)
I like this. Depending on how I look at it I can see the person with a big collar or three ghost-like figures rushing toward something in the middle.
davincipoppalag (Mar 30, 2006)
I hadn't noticed that other..thanks Zack! Cool
solve (Mar 30, 2006)
drawn in 21 min
Sweetcell (Apr 1, 2006)
Every version is wonderful and can be carried on it's own merit. Needs to be on a shirt. I love your art Solve.
TaCO (Apr 13, 2006)
O.O This is very well done!!!!!!!!
Good to see you drawing again!!!!!
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