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drawn in 51 min with OekakiBBS
ikarius (Jul 2, 2003)
Well, a Fallen Angel into the Hell. Right. Now, let's do my own critic... I don't think its that good, the face color isn't cool, my "watercolor" effect isn't perfect, my wings... well, there nice, which they would be better. Well anyway, I want to hear more from people.
ikarius (Jul 2, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Turtlebuster (edited Jul 2, 2003)
it looks pretty cool, but you should go back over it with a small brush and define his features a little. i know you were going for a water color effect, but water color isn't usually THAT runny. go easy on the smudge tool :) also, oekaki is fun, but if you like to make large pics that take lots of time and multiple edits, use Lascaux or paintbbs because oekaki is broken :(
ikarius (edited Jul 3, 2003)
thanks for the tips. I'll be sure to check out everything you told me. Also, I see that I am greatly improving in Oekaki, and I only use my mouse (my tablet is broken >_<). Thanks again.
Doodlibop (edited Jul 3, 2003)
Very nicely done. I like the wing definition as it is. maybe I don't know what I'm talkig about. *shrugs*. Was this inspired by my "The Fall of Lucifer"?
Turtlebuster (edited Jul 3, 2003)
doodlibop, of course you know what you're talking about. The feathers look magnificent, but where they become the tendons, they just need a different texture than the wings XD
Doodlibop (edited Jul 3, 2003)
hm *observes from Turtlebuster's POV* Ah! I see what you mean. But you canalso take into considerationthat he's a fallen angel and someof the wingsfellout; maybe another angel clipped him one; see the falling feather? maybethe muscleisbeginning to atrophy...and stuff like that. Now that I look at it again, ikariusyou did an excellent jobonthepainteffectof your pic.

the keyboard over hereis barely working.
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