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terracotta (Mar 17, 2006)
Wanted to play with using a different tool than usual. This is all done with the pen tool on one setting (except for a plain fill BG and some airbrush to shade the stool). Trying for a pencil sketch look.
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drawn in 2 hours 20 min
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Who's the one having fun about it? Just you :P? Cause it doesn't seem like she is. In terracotta's shoes, I think "Hey, you got the back and shoulders all screwed up," would have in fact, been better.
"...ah, never mind, you don't like when people try to help."
This....I just can't help but laugh 'at'.
Okay. Break it up, folks. There's nothing to see here.
In no way do I think of myself as an authority or expert on Art, though I've made, observed and studied it for more than 50 years so I am bound to have opinions. I try to offer them in the spirit of "Here's my take on it, hope it's helpful." If that's ever offended anyone I apologize. It's my understanding that that is the reason for a community/site like this one.
I do not apologize to Dan for the drawing I made to illustrate how offensive I thought his Valentine cartoon was. Images that depict abusive/derisive or violent/hateful attitudes toward women are always going to illicit a strong negative response from me. Some may find them to be 'darkly romantic'. I don't. They anger and frighten me.
So you're not planning to work on this further. That's good and well, but art students have their finished works formally criticized all the time. There are more far-reaching implications from critiques than just fixing up a specific picture, and given your 50 years of experience I would have thought you would know that.
Sorry, Zack, I haven't a clue what you mean by that.
zack: could not help but respond to your comment.
'If you can't grab your own wife's breasts then, well, whose can you? :P'
i assume this was meant in a joking and well humored way, but i feel the need to type my response anyway. consider this the answer: no one's, if it's unwelcome. sexual harrasment/abuse happens in marriages too, sadly. a man doesn't own his wife. (not implying anything about your marriage axil, i don't even recall seeing the cartoon in question) just my thought when i came across that comment.
terracotta: looks nice. the leg and foot are very cool looking.
In one of my current studio art classes, there are two key moments of critique: a progress critique, and a final critique. I find the final critiques just as useful because they analyze the culminations of my artistic vision, and I have the opportunity to see flaws that I might not have seen otherwise. Even if it was a flaw I was already aware of, the criticism sticks in my mind for the future.
If I finish a picture and am told it feels like it doesn't have enough depth and contrast, you can be certain that for my next picture I will be mindful of the depth and contrast while I work. This encourages an attitude where pictures are seen not just as ends, but as means to improve skills for the future. This attitude is widespread in artistic circles and given your 50 years of experience I am genuinely surprised you didn't understand that.
as for my comment on this picture, I think it looks good :D
i apologize for any harm done by my only semi-related thought.
I'd just like to ask Zack one last question here. Is this what you call, 'formal criticism'? Of course, you could be referring to criticism given to terracotta by people besides Axil. But I'm pretty sure terracotta's posts were in response to Axil. Although, I haven't had 50 yrs of experience myself, I've never heard of giving criticism in 'tell-a-funny-story' form in any of my classes. And I can assure you, if that were the case, I wouldn't waste my money or time on such an unprofessional school.
The absurdity of Axil's comment speaks for itself, and to imply that he was being meanspirited for pointing out flaws in a finished picture demonstrates to me a lack of understanding of the nature of artistic critique in a learning environment. That is to say, Axil may have been meanspirited in his comment (I can't tell), but that has nothing to do with the fact that he was criticizing a finished picture.
drawn in 22 min
drawn in 28 min