I don't think an hour and a half is quite painfully slow...
This is looking pretty cool so far, the colouring is working well. I especially like eye.
One thing... if the thing in her hand is a bow, and I'm assuming it is because of the title, and she's actually trying to shoot something, I'm pretty sure the hand should be flipped over, thumb side up, wrist side in. I'm not 100% sure, but it looks pretty strange as is.
haha. someone with a screenname decrying the merits of patience is saying to someone else that they are being impatient. hahahaha. ironic. i'm amused. thank you :)
I see the word *archer*, my little mouse is like a moth to a flame...gotta click on it. She's very pretty, and the position she is in is possible. Some "traditional" archers "cant" their bows, some turn them completely to the side. Fred Bear could shoot his at any angle.
drawn in 23 min
Finish soon!!!
drawn in 48 min
drawn in 21 min
This is looking pretty cool so far, the colouring is working well. I especially like eye.
One thing... if the thing in her hand is a bow, and I'm assuming it is because of the title, and she's actually trying to shoot something, I'm pretty sure the hand should be flipped over, thumb side up, wrist side in. I'm not 100% sure, but it looks pretty strange as is.
the hair is beautiful
drawn in 36 min
drawn in 53 min