forums2draw.netMaybe this year..
davincipoppalag (Dec 31, 2005)
Some more of you adults who are able to can consider contributing. We spend so much time here , think about what you would be spending if you were out partying at movies, or whatever. This place saves you tons of money!..Marcello made it, and maintains it, and for the most part, pays for it himself. So, think about sending him a little help if you haven't already. We would all hate it if this place went down and it isn't free.
staci (Dec 31, 2005)
word up.
i was thinking about this myself and to be honest the past year was terribly hard financially for me but now things are much better and ive been too damn lazy to donate. so puh! im going to right now. and since im by no means original im sure there are lots of others who have the means but are teh lazy too. so do it! puleease.
xiau (Dec 31, 2005)
I've been trying to save up some money to contribute ._.;; But I don't get much money at all...
I've been using this site for so long, I feel bad for never contributing
staci (Dec 31, 2005)
>< don't feel bad, you are 12. and i really dont mean that in a condesending way, but the reality of the situation is people under 16 are notoriously poor. for the most part. so no worries :D
kristine (Dec 31, 2005)
im not notoriously poor, i just dont have a bank account, i need to get one then ill contribute :D
staci (Dec 31, 2005)
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Dec 31, 2005)
I only had a nickel when I was 12, like once. Most of the time we were pretty poor and my mother made most of my clothes and sometimes she accidentally left the pins in them (usually under the arms OWW) Except for one time I got a wooden nickel with an Indian on it at a parade that you could spend at the store in town, but I thought it was so cool that I kept it, and I still have it. I for one feel really horrible because I keep meaning to do this, I actually used the Lascaux to make money, and I have money set aside from that to send Marcello, but I am such a procrastinator... that will be the only New Year's resolution I make and keep... to send a good donation. I'm glad somebody brought it up.
TaCO (Dec 31, 2005)
I have lots o money now, but I don't have a credit card or anything that would allow me to donate.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Dec 31, 2005)
The credit card payment thing wouldn't work on my old computer, so I got Marcello's physical address and I had the Pony Express deliver it on horseback. If you promise not to stalk him he might give it to you if you want to mail him a check. I am still going to do it that way because I think real mail is pretty cool.
BunnySlippers (Dec 31, 2005)
Real mail can get lost. If I ever save up enough money, I'd like to donate! :D
nekodesu (Dec 31, 2005)
See, my mother has a problem with donating money to once I get my own credit card, I'll donate. I wonder how long that's going to take.. >_>
Or I might just do it my mail someday.
kristine (edited Dec 31, 2005)
I have a 20 thats burning a hole in my pocket right now >.O might send it to cello.
staci (Dec 31, 2005)
im really glad (like cindy said) that someone brought this up. those that have the means and continually visit this site should donate. and on a regular basis if possible. i dont think dave was trying to bring attention to himself at all..i mean this site COULD go down one day and as much or as little as i will use 2draw in the future, i dont want to see that happen.
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