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drawn in 1 hour 9 min with OekakiBBS
pyrobarbie (Jun 18, 2003)
oy..last one..i hate drawing hands its so annoying i'm horrible at it but i kinda like how this cam out..well not totally b/c i wanted a black bg like the 2 others but she has black hair so i tried to make it so it didn't all blend..and again..i tried.
pyrobarbie (Jun 18, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
TGgold (edited Jun 18, 2003)
I can give C&C if you want it. It's a nice picture, but a few things bug me, and they aren't that hard to fix ^_^
Kazukie (edited Jun 18, 2003)
She's skinny.. O_o Either that or her arms are huge...
Eliafin (edited Jun 18, 2003)
I know what you mean about hands, I can't draw them eather. -_-;;
I did find a site with a really good tutorial on it for drawing hands but I can't remember the address. I did have it on favourites but that pc is currently in bits all over my bedroom floor. -_-;;
Tell ya what, when I can get to it, I'll send you the addy. ^_^
pyrobarbie (edited Jun 19, 2003)
oh that'd be awesome ^ ^ thank u
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