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laurael (Dec 27, 2005)
Um...this was more interesting than drawing a celebrity...yeah.It's not exact, so don't go comparin' and uh...the time was actually about 3 hours...interruptions, ya know.
2draw.net © 2002-2025 2draw.net team/Cellosoft - copyright details - 0.03sec (sql: 22q/0.02sec) |
drawn in 5 hours 17 min
drawn in 4 min
drawn in 6 min
this is really good, i dont care how accurate it is, this is shwait!>U<
nice job! especially on the facial hair^__6
I was all like hey I know this dude. Then I realized it was me and was all like shit someone's stalking me, but then I saw your name and thought cool a girl that draws TMNT's is stalking me. So Then I was all happy like and such.
I'm honnored that you would draw this Cazy ass Cajun boy :)
Looked like a mexican dude in the thumbnail.
Looks awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But Something is wrong with the right side of my face, but maybe i'm wrong.
You Rules!!!!!!!!!
Derrick: I'm sorry...but I came across your pics and there was something so compelling in your features, crying out to me to draw you...so I did. :)
3 of my grandparents were born speaking Cajun and the 4th one was half Cheroke(native american).
2 of my Cajun grandparents have native american blood in them too.
So that's were the red and the darkness comes from.