dis·close [diss kl?z]
(past dis·closed, past participle dis·closed, present participle dis·clos·ing, 3rd person present singular dis·clos·es)
1. tell something previously secret: to reveal something that has been kept a secret
2. show something previously covered: to reveal something that has been covered or hidden (formal)
[15th century. From Old French desclos- , present stem of desclore , from medieval Latin disclaudere “to open,” from Latin claudere “to close.”]
-dis·clos·a·ble, adj
-dis·clos·er, n
where is the resemblance to Icat's pics? I don't get it frootcake..
anyway, Dan.. good pic
looks like she just got tossed backward in a wrestling match
drawn in 26 min
dis·close [diss kl?z]
(past dis·closed, past participle dis·closed, present participle dis·clos·ing, 3rd person present singular dis·clos·es)
1. tell something previously secret: to reveal something that has been kept a secret
2. show something previously covered: to reveal something that has been covered or hidden (formal)
[15th century. From Old French desclos- , present stem of desclore , from medieval Latin disclaudere “to open,” from Latin claudere “to close.”]
-dis·clos·a·ble, adj
-dis·clos·er, n
this is a neat full frontal nude.
here those links, http://cellosoft.com/2draw/view/23997/ http://cellosoft.com/2draw/view/23995/
anyway, Dan.. good pic
looks like she just got tossed backward in a wrestling match
Very nice picture, it's amazing how you manage to capture the image with quik and wide strokes :)
drawn in 28 min
but only if you squint because this is an amazingly paintily awesomely sexily drawn drawing.