boardsbeginnerANARCH WITH ME

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biz (Jun 11, 2003)
Anarchy!!!!! f$%^ the goverment!!!! and f#^$ life!!!
biz (Jun 11, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Zappo (edited Jun 11, 2003)
bahahahahahahah without the government those cloths that ur wearing wouldnt exist and u whould probably end up being slave to some gorrila group and what does fire have to do with anything! bahahahahaha ur a pop-culture brain washed trard...... why dont u do us a favor and explain, try to explain the picture!
biz (edited Jun 11, 2003)
the fire displays anarchy ya no like a riot and its guerilla not gorilla we wouldnt have war if we had no goverment so just shut up
Zappo (edited Jun 11, 2003)
LMAO there has always been government its just been hiding up and called other things like religon.....long long ago. "there this guy or group of people that will do bad stuff to u if you do bad stuff to other people" eventhough there would be no war there would also be no progress aswell anachy was a stupid idea made up by stupid people then twisted upinto a marketing add for dumb children
SpicyDevl420 (edited Jun 11, 2003)
to anyone: yes your opinion on the government may be "yes we need the government or some form or leadership" wat are basically sayin that we are stupid people who cannot fend for ourselves liek we can't lead ourselves we need some "higher" power to guide offence but that is bullshit....anarchy is a good way becasue no wars,no higher power taking our money and usuing it on stupid street bums and immagrants who come into our counrty with there foriegn laguages polluting hte minds of the younger youth taking OUR hard earned cash in which the governemtn takes like wat 6 tenths of from our paychecks and uses it for wat...MCAS which proves absolutely nothing.....immagrant funds...and other shitty things that are completely anarchy is a good idea then we wouldn't have to worry abotu this whole sudahm hu watever his fuckin name is or how u spell it and osama bin laden crap so yea ANARCHY FUCKIN rules fuck the government and society all together
Zappo (edited Jun 11, 2003)
hey fuck you man theres nothing wrong with imagration! Imagrants (even illeagals) take the jobs no one else wants there the greese that helps trurn the wheel that is our shitty economy.
jtptan (edited Jun 11, 2003)
hrm, yes, lets all conform to non-conform. That makes sense. That will work.

But if we all agree to anarchy, isn't it just a different kind of government?
7734 (edited Jun 11, 2003)
Zappo (edited Jun 11, 2003)
Give this man a prise! Thank you!
biz (Jun 11, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
TheLIVR (edited Jun 11, 2003)
Anarchy is perhaps the worst thing that could happen to this planet.

Why? Because nature abhors a vaccuum. We have evolved to require some sort of organizational entity to keep us from killing each other.

Ever heard of the distribution of labor? That's what gives you the clothes on your back, the internet that you're on, and the education to know about anarchy. Division of labor requires management. Government manages humanities resources, for better or for worse. Now, if I took away government, I take away education, I took away a succesful economy, I took away the only thing that is keeping thugs from coming to my house, beating the shit out of me, and taking my stuff.

From there it becomes a race for the big read button, and what do you get? Nuclear apocalypse.

I know I'm using the slippery slope argument. But that's what anarchy is! A slippery slide into oblivion. We know that there are people out there that will kill everyone if they had the chance. What holds them back? Government, law, and order. I'm willing to trade a couple minor freedoms for the security of having a system to keep nukes from landing on me.

And then you have what will happen after an Anarchist coup. Either everyone will need a weapon to keep from having their neighbor shooting them and taking their territory, or no one will have weapons. Perfect for some despot minded individual to simply fill the vacuum. In an anarchy, the person with the gun rules all. I don't want to live in that world.

Want an example of an anarchy? Rwanda, Somalia, any of these countries wrought with strife, with no government to save the innocent from the few that have weapons to kill.
Xodiak (edited Jun 11, 2003)
Sexual drive is what makes the human race survive thus far and not destroy itself for good. Humans would live a peaceful and harmonic life with the rest of the creatures of the Earth if a genetic defect didn't cause their brains to become hypertrofic. It is all the fault of a monolith that fell on Earth eons ago, before the Moon separated from it. I also enjoy to masturbate very much. >:)
donnajoe (edited Jun 12, 2003)
Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world.
biz (Jun 12, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Ari (edited Jun 13, 2003)
Uh, Zappo, gorillas? Don't you mean guerillas?
Lovely, Xod, lovely...
I'm all for being different, but let's not forget about handy things like common sense. They help a lot. But I do say that war is wrong and we should attempt to live in peace, however there will probably always be a few nutcases *cough*saddam hussain*cough* that want world domination or the total anihilation of all life forms or whatever. We just have to deal with it and move on. Peace is always better than war. And nobody is better than anyone else, period. Donnajoe, you said it perfectly.
If you don't believe me, listen to John Lennon's song "Imagine". It will change your mind.
Einz (edited Jun 18, 2003)
sheep need a sheppard
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