THis is cute..But it doesn't have to be 13+ plus just because of kissing..If it was a boy and a boy kissing then, yeah, 13+, but, no, this is a girl and a boy, that's the right thing (although, i like it when it's a boy and a boy..i love yaoi.......sorry..ME WANTS TO SEE COLONOL MUSTANG AND ED TOGETHER!!........sorry again..)
I like this one much..It is very pretty, her hair is very pretty too X---DD
cute! I want to hug someone now. ;O; damn this is not a nice feeling!
But yeah, your drawing is cute and pretty and nice and keep it up! 8--DD And yes, I am a bit sleepy.
Torchick spelled Colonel wrong.. heheheh anyways.. Edo needs to kiss his biggest fangirl .. not Winry.. *throws Edo at Xiau*.. Wouldn't Winry be hunched over because Edo is so.. Short? but here.. Edo is .. Taller than Winry..
Edit: Where is the hood on Edo's jacket?
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drawn in 2 hours 28 min
drawn in 54 min
drawn in 15 min
cute! I want to hug someone now. ;O; damn this is not a nice feeling!
But yeah, your drawing is cute and pretty and nice and keep it up! 8--DD And yes, I am a bit sleepy.
Nice, i like how you didn't do the lineart, it looks kick ass.l
Edit: Where is the hood on Edo's jacket?