forums2draw.netOne question.....
rosalyn (edited Jun 7, 2003)
I was wondering why there was a limit on the memos....I was trying to send Ministaru a memo and it cut me off saying that i exeaded the ammount of memos one can send in a 24 hour period........Why? I really needed to send that memo too....... Does that happen to any one else?
marcello (edited Jun 8, 2003)
You lie, it should say "You've reached your maximum memo allotment at this time. Please try again later."

Basically it's a flood protection for people sending way too many memos too fast (it's not an IM system!). If you actually write out longer memos, you won't have to worry about the problem (it's less than an hour limitation). Additionally, if you delete the previous memos (both sides have to delete them), then you can also get around the limitation.

But honestly, with the limits I put, I'm surprised someone hit them... people need to calm down a bit. :-) Use the chat system or AIM or something...
Minitsaru (edited Jun 8, 2003)
ya, happened to me when i was talking to Azel way back in tha day *ahhh tha memories*. i'm just curious, what is the max for memos sent/received?
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