boardsbeginnerEVIL CHICKEN POCKS!

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drawn in 3 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Fobix (Oct 23, 2005)
This morning I saw bump on forhead and thought it was a moisquito bite turns out it chicken pox.
Every time there were going around I didnt get them and now that there not i do the perosn up there is me and its 13 for the sware word lol I'm just really ticked.
Fobix (Oct 23, 2005)
drawn in 3 min
22darkangel22 (Oct 23, 2005)
ooo poor fobix!!!i shall draw you a perdy picature to make you feel better ^__^ yes a perdddy picature dammit!and the piccy is cute ^_^
Fobix (edited Oct 24, 2005)
Thanks I'm soo ithcy -itches arm- lol :3

But I get to stay home and draw all day, lol ^^
Caddris (Oct 25, 2005)
Awwww. I had chicken pox when I was three or four. I don't remember much of it except the smell of calamine(sp?) lotion. . . and being itchy.
Heh, at least you made this cute picture because of it. ^_____^;
Get better soon!
Fobix (Oct 25, 2005)
Awwwwwwww thanks :D
featherstone (Oct 25, 2005)
you spent 3 minutes on this, I don't think you need to be ragging on other people's drawings
yuohoo (Oct 25, 2005)
I never got the chicken pox's,so I have to get my chicken pox shots.I don't really like shot's I;m not the person with numb like skin.How do other's get shot's without feeling a bit pain.
marcello (Oct 25, 2005)
Most people feel the pain (if you don't, something's probably wrong with you), but they're not wimps. =P
JK-Arts (Oct 25, 2005)
it tickles.
22darkangel22 (Nov 1, 2005)
actually most of the time i dont feel it...i make it seem like it hurts gets me free candy damnit!
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