The pencil. the mouse...the minds mystery...experience and curiousity. Your own truth. I don't think theres some grand old truth, I think our society tends to set us up for dissapointment, but I believe we have control, and things are constantly changing.
Either way I hope you find what you need, and feel better.
As far as the piece goes...
I like the "brush strokes". In my perception they fit quite well with the behavior of an unstable mind, and I get a very raw feeling from this. Beautiful, but raw.
Are you guys sure this isn't a description to what the picture represents?
If that isn't the case, I really wouldn't blow this feeling you may be having out of proportion. It's part of life to feel like crap sometimes, but time will go on and you'll feel better eventually. You've got your ups and downs. I actually know how that feels to feel like there's no real reason to go on living, but you shouldn't let it get to you. In any case, I hope you aren't planning anything stupid like suicide to free yourself though....
Trust me, things will get better with time.
you can be dead and still breathing. i wish i felt that way right now..dead inside. that would be great. so much better than hurt and disappointment. but you just go on one moment after the other until there is a better moment. and thats what you live for i reckon. those better times.
I find that focusing all of your attention and your energy on yourself, how you feel, what you want, need, your pain, etc.... almost always leads to feeling like that. Find someone that needs you (and there's always someone that needs you) and focus on them. Worry about someone else, and self pity and wallowing disappears. Try it.
i like how you accomplished the mood with dark tones and w/c tool(?) 2870543895 praises for even giving me an impression of silent hill.
youve got quite some talent.
at times i see you art and find it very compatible with my own, wanna collab sometime?
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drawn in 9 min
One being the color green.
Either way I hope you find what you need, and feel better.
As far as the piece goes...
I like the "brush strokes". In my perception they fit quite well with the behavior of an unstable mind, and I get a very raw feeling from this. Beautiful, but raw.
If that isn't the case, I really wouldn't blow this feeling you may be having out of proportion. It's part of life to feel like crap sometimes, but time will go on and you'll feel better eventually. You've got your ups and downs. I actually know how that feels to feel like there's no real reason to go on living, but you shouldn't let it get to you. In any case, I hope you aren't planning anything stupid like suicide to free yourself though....
Trust me, things will get better with time.
youve got quite some talent.
at times i see you art and find it very compatible with my own, wanna collab sometime?