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Please excuse anything that detracts from this image, because it was drawn without a reference, and because of that it has nothing to do with my effort or practice but is wholly dependent on talent, which is beyond my control.
p.s.: satire! :0
2draw.net © 2002-2025 2draw.net team/Cellosoft - copyright details - 0.13sec (sql: 14q/0.10sec) |
drawn in 38 min
Edit: Yeah...typos and such.
You used to be pretty down to earth when you first came back here...take your head out of the clouds and come back down here.
-Btw, it's not very 'mature' of you to diss on people's views like this, just so you know :) (especially the choice of words there).
Seriously though, would someone be a pal and point out what the big deal is behind 'only drawing from references?'
I too am not a fan of anime drawings (like ocertain others here) but do you see me ordering them to draw something else? No, nor do I want to. You don't have to be ruining peoples' fun.
Here's my biggest question to wrap this into one. "Is it forbidden to have fun?"
NOBODY said that you shouldn't, much less can't draw anything else. Nobody's ordering anybody to draw anything else. All I was saying is that I am less impressed with drawings that are merely copies of photographs. It's not like I'm denying that it takes a measure of talent/practice to be able to do it well. Blow things out of proportion much?
--Hey come on, just because somebody doesn't want to do it your way doesn't mean they're against your way, alright? God damn. Nobody has said anything's "forbidden" or whatever. Jeez, you act like we're all realism haters up in here.
Hmm, I suppose that isn't an order?
So what is the problem if you "aren't" telling us to be drawing stuff outside of realism? You can always just say "well maybe if you try drawing from the imagination, that might make for good practice too." You don't need to shove it down our throats so that we'd get the picture. I'm very much aware that photo replication isn't gonna get me far, thanks (as do others I'm sure). All we're doing is having fun, okay? Is that too much to ask for?
I don't really care if you like my opinion or not, but I'd hope it isn't that large of a reflection on me. It's just an art preference! I like the color red best! It doesn't mean I think you should never use any color but red! God damn if anybody's rootin for just having fun it's me! I never get involved in these things, I dunno what I was thinkin! Silly serious Gigandas, listen to the song Vienna by Billy Joel, and take a freakin breather.
What a flair for the dramatic. Why does something have to kill people for it to be bad?
You're being pretty defensive of your own gallery considering that no one has even mentioned it. :P
I'm not forcing people to do anything. I'm advocating non-referenced work.
You make me wonder if you're taking a minor in Straw-Man Construction, Gig.
Oh gee, I'm sorry my quick examples aren't as "superior" as yours. It's an example, get over it.
"You're being pretty defensive of your own gallery considering that no one has even mentioned it. :P"
Well let's see here....you did confirm that this whole debate was directed at people who draw from nothing but references, did you not?
"I'm not forcing people to do anything. I'm advocating non-referenced work."
The way you belittled what we do, it sure sounded like it. Once there's a put down for what someone does for fun, that's suggesting something.
"You make me wonder if you're taking a minor in Straw-Man Construction, Gig."
And again, another one to add to your trophy case eh, Zack? I hope you know how immature you look by making these mocking comments. Does it make you feel superior to me, Zack :P?
I wouldn't be surprised if that's the whole idea behind all this...really.
"Hey man, what you do isn't impressive and I can even go as far as to say it sucks!"
"Ch-chill out man, I only attempted to put you below my superior status. Just take it and be a man."
"why do you draw or say some thing that you KNOW will get people angry than get all upset when they do??" - Menyway
I'm not upset. I may be teasing some people (like Gig, clearly) but I'm not upset. They have a right to be angry with me, as I've been pretty mocking in my posts.
"As i said before in Alex's picture references are used in everything" -Menyway
Yes, but the degree to which they are altered differs. You can't say that the same amount of brain power is involved in copying a photograph as there is in drawing a new design for a car.
edit: Alright, I've been disruptive enough. I wan't argue with you about this here anymore Gig, but we can move to memos if you want.
edit2: Laurael, I'm sorry I pissed you off like that. I was mostly just teasing, but it was pretty rude of me.
I dunno how to do the yellow quote box thing anyway, so I guess you have to deal with it.
Don't say you're teasing me. This isn't some friendly debate where I'm just gonna end up giving into everything you have to say.
I've wasted enough time and this whole thing hasn't progressed since it started, so I'll let you have the last word like always.
Go for it. Shoot it.
I do agree that there is more brain power makeing something your self.. which i never disagreed with but useing refs aren't going to hurt you any.. they are used as building blocks to become better, once you know all you need to know at that stage then you go to the next level of work whatever that may be..
All i'm saying is dont put down what helps people to get better or what they like to do to have fun... Its not very encouraging.
I'm not sure I understand you. I told you I'm not upset, and that people had a right to be upset with me.
"All i'm saying is dont put down what helps people to get better or what they like to do to have fun... Its not very encouraging."
Not to be rude, but when did I do that? Please back up that accusation with a quote of mine where I did that. I'm not saying for sure that I didn't, but I don't remember doing that.
So you used refs for all your other pics????
I mark all the pics I used refs for.
It's just much more fun to draw without refs.
I use to do these really detailed pics with a ref that took for ever to do.
but when people asked me to draw something out of my head it sucked.
Before i started drawing out of my head I didn't draw much at all. It just wasn't fun using refs all the time.
It was a big step backwards when I decided to stop drawing with refs and to start drawing out of my head.
But i have never been happier, and it made my art grow in more ways than I could imagen.