JGLFUINOOOOOAAAAHHHHHH!!! -pokes the snakey-poo- <3333 Yaaay! I was wondering if it was Pandect when I saw it was Edgar. BUAHAHA. I was right. Nice choice to draw. ;D x3 -cannot wait for it to finish-
ZOMG. I thought I was, like, the only person in the world who read Pandect (no one usually knows what I'm talking about when I mention it =^*3*^= ). Holy salad muffins, I luff Noah (and Edgar, of course, though I'm equally fond of Fledgar-ness [does no one else find the servant-prince thing smexy?]). Methinks you should have Edgar-chan in his Ace form, looking all Uke-ish and submissive. <3 *is such a perverted little girl* X3
Nyar, you possess lovely art skills, yesh. =^n_______n^=
Hideyourface:: I'm sorry you feel that way, and that you've already judged me without even knowing me. I prefer to let people like what they want and not hate them for it. I forgive you for your unwarrented hate. But hey! Atleast I didn't do anything 18+, They're just kissing. So nothing to *wrong* going on. ^.^ But I also feel that I don't need to apologize for being me. So take care.
rofl aww hideyourface doesn't like anything asociated with yaoi. :D
I'd say make the back of the head a bit bigger for the guy with the white hair. anndd the hand could use a bit of work, but overall you did alright. very cute <3
woah_pockster :: I know. ^^; I don't know what happened.... when I posted the pick the back of his head diseappered. *cries* I got lazy on the hand XD I hope that my next one turns out better. Thanks!!!
hideyourface:: Do they really? *stars* I guess they do sorta. ^^; What do you find funny?
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drawn in 32 min
I love Pandect!!! *w00t*
I would claim it as my own but I doen't want to suffer an terrible death by Morbid Prince. ^^
Edgar and Noah (c) Dina Situ aka Morbid Prince. Her DA site http://morbidprince.deviantart.com/
drawn in 1 hour 13 min
So..... should Edgar-babie be Gecko or Ace? Let me know what you think I should do. ^^
Draw some RICE next :9 Yum. Or Fleasar. Muahahaha. XDDD
But yeah. Ace. >:D
Nyar, you possess lovely art skills, yesh. =^n_______n^=
drawn in 59 min
I changed Noah's position because I thought this was a better idea. ^^ I'll definitely be doing more of them. :D
Anybody out there that also want to comment?
I'd say make the back of the head a bit bigger for the guy with the white hair. anndd the hand could use a bit of work, but overall you did alright. very cute <3
Actually, now I find this quite humorous.
hideyourface:: Do they really? *stars* I guess they do sorta. ^^; What do you find funny?