trying to figure this out. is there a shadow across the left side of the hand, or does the thumb seem a bit disproportionate (as if the bone were sticking 90 degrees out from the rest of the hand, which if I try to do, would put the thumb a lot further down the hand). but otherwise, great colors.
This one's amazing. The shading on the head gives it a round but uneven surface. I love the color choice. It's interesting because yellow is usually either a happy color or a color associated with illness, but this yellow ocre is perfect for the tone. Excellent choice.
naw, it looks fine in the reference. I think because the index finger is a bit fatter here, and the thumb looks bonier, you get the effect. the difference could be just a few pixels of thickness, but as axil said, it's not completely accurate. probably one of those cases where you just have to fudge it until it looks right, even if it isn't?
I love browsing through your Gallery. I go in to find one thing, and end up finding many other things that are so great, i'm suprised that they havnt caught my eye. You're amazing.
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drawn in 59 min
it reminds me of the orange/yellow buy from sincity. alot.
this is awesome.