Thank you so much, Hunter. I appreciate that. Dave... it's a tornado, not a twister, and which other one? I have several others. What exactly about this is unclear to you?
Twisters and tornadoes mean the same to me. I like the one with the stop lights and the tornado coming up the road better. The objects on the ground..trees and poles are kinda fuzzy to me.. it's just my thing about sharpness (though my last couple haven't been as sharp as I like either)..maybe I should clean these glasses?
I think the unclarity adds much to the painting. =P What i would like to see is one a' those power posts get sucked up. >=D
I wanna draw a tornade/twister now.
You can clean your glasses if you want to, but I doubt it's necessary. I did this one "soft, blurry, etc." on purpose, because that's the way it appears in real life, and it is how I intentionally depicted it. I am capable of sharp when I feel like being sharp. This ain't that. (Go for it, hunter, baby :)
Wow. Such eloquent speech, Pharaoh. That makes my head spin. Talk to me, baby. ;) (Thank ya'll for all the nice comments, they are quite appreciated) Except for YOU DAVE, you old pain in the ASS. :)
drawn in 35 min
drawn in 44 min
drawn in 58 min
drawn in 1 hour 53 min
drawn in 31 min
drawn in 1 hour 59 min
drawn in 1 hour 1 min
I wanna draw a tornade/twister now.