People who complain about second hand smoke should get cancer and die. Incredibly boring picture you've made here. Keep on practicing till you get the hang of these applets.
SneakyWalter (edited Sep 26, 2005)
drawn in 51 min
I found this piece of crap in my gallery and wanted to change it. So here is.
Supposing area of B = area of D= area of F = area of H
area of C = area of E = area of G = area of I
The vertical lines are parallel to eachother and perpindicular to the horizontal lines
The horizontal lines are parallel to eachother and perpindicular to the the vertical lines
area H + area of B + area of D + area of F = area of A
area C + area of G = area ofA
2 times the area of B = the area of C
The area of the Red shape + the area of the Purple shape = 30% of the area of A
The area of the Blue Shape + the area of the Purple shape = 30% of the area of A
The area of the Purple shape = 5% of A
The areas of the Blue, Red, And Purple Shapes added together minus the areas of B, D, F, and H, + the areas of C and G, make up what % of 1/2 times the area of A (Not Squared.)?
it's impossible to tell from the data given. you'd have to know the area of B to know, because the final expression is 55 / (800*B) since A = 4B.
check the units. suppose the areas were in square meters. for the percentage you end up dividing that first part by the second part. but the first part is in meters squared, and the second part is in meters squared squared, or meters to the fourth power. when you divide them out, you end up with units of "1 per square meter" which doesn't make sense as a ratio, which means not all the variables will cancel out.
drawn in 16 min
but there so tasty mmm marlboros!
drawn in 51 min
Supposing area of B = area of D= area of F = area of H
area of C = area of E = area of G = area of I
The vertical lines are parallel to eachother and perpindicular to the horizontal lines
The horizontal lines are parallel to eachother and perpindicular to the the vertical lines
area H + area of B + area of D + area of F = area of A
area C + area of G = area ofA
2 times the area of B = the area of C
The area of the Red shape + the area of the Purple shape = 30% of the area of A
The area of the Blue Shape + the area of the Purple shape = 30% of the area of A
The area of the Purple shape = 5% of A
The areas of the Blue, Red, And Purple Shapes added together minus the areas of B, D, F, and H, + the areas of C and G, make up what % of 1/2 times the area of A (Not Squared.)?
Out of curiosity, does that make a difference?
p.s.- it's a serious guess.
check the units. suppose the areas were in square meters. for the percentage you end up dividing that first part by the second part. but the first part is in meters squared, and the second part is in meters squared squared, or meters to the fourth power. when you divide them out, you end up with units of "1 per square meter" which doesn't make sense as a ratio, which means not all the variables will cancel out.
Okay, how about now? Try giving The Area Of, say, B, 10". Now can you?