13+ for skin >:D
omfg I'm so sorry Kenshin... I totally forgot to ask you about yaoi and shonen ai , GOMEN NASAI x 1000000000 >_< ! If you mind then just tell me, and I'll delete it and make something else, I promise *nod*
now, beside that: Cole again ( someone has an obsession <.----- can't spell I know >_> ) well, the beta name for this pic' is : innocent hentai... *shrug* tell me what you think, I kind'a like it, though I gonna make it crappy when I start lineart...I just know it *sigh* >_<
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drawn in 20 min
Minty hippo: well, I think Kenshi will color it, unless she's againts yaoi ^_^
I could make a cole bat wing person who you could color... if you wanna ?
I love this picture ^.^
Keep working :3
drawn in 53 min
anyway... not you can just go ahead
drawn in 1 min
I can't make this pic be as I want TT_TT
drawn in 2 min
also in times of fustration i like a song by blink 182
"piss shit fuck" it goes on more but i will leave it there.
you should get it. the song is funny and will make stressed people happy:P
btw; cole's a BOY xD
thanX for your comment ^_^
yes yes... meant BOY ^_^
drawn in 1 hour 18 min
THe compression makde the skin look like crap TT_TT;
the skins quite good too, and I like the bg, the yellow stuff rocks ^_^