I dig the soft looking hair. Really nice job on it, overall. I like the brows too. I just can't seem to do them, myself. Though, I think the face colors are a bit blotchy, but overall a smooth look. This picture has a bit more cheek to it then the ref, but no big deal.
my not look like the refrence but still a good job like the way your skin tones came out ant the hair is very well done i think you did a damn fine job on this pic much like your others like your work a lot
Nope, not me. I wish I were that cute, lol. Thanks for the comments everyone.
Knockoff: I can never tell how blotchy something is or not. I have three screen settings and nothing I do looks right in all three. Most other people's work does though. I must be missing something.
Well, I think it's for of a transition problem. The lighting right below her left eye (as if we were facing here) could use a bit more blending, thats all.
drawn in 1 hour 11 min
drawn in 4 hours 1 min
drawn in 3 hours 22 min
Knockoff: I can never tell how blotchy something is or not. I have three screen settings and nothing I do looks right in all three. Most other people's work does though. I must be missing something.