It's the same damn thing again.
More Garbage to throw in.
[EDIT] Hmm. Its funny how a misdirected comment turns things into mindless banter. I understand what it means to produce commerical art, I understand and see that other artists are not appreciated, I understand and appreciate the input I already recieve nor was it some stupid cry to recieve more. It was a simple statment that the trend on this art forum is to replicate photos to recieve a particular mass attention and THAT WAS ALL. I already recieve input. People tell me what I need to hear already. You do not need to preach to me; calling me names and other things does not help the fact that I have an opinion. If you have a real problem with me, take it into private. PM me. I'm sure a gaggle of you enjoy arguing in Oekaki submission comments, but this isn't the place for them. I discourage further commenting on the 'subject' herin.
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drawn in 26 min
drawn in 1 hour 50 min
drawn in 1 hour 26 min
p.s. leave the photo's alone. I’d rather see you copy your imagination.
I imagine your favorites of your own works will rarely align with the public's favorites. That's just the way it is; your most easily understood and appreciable works will usually get the most attention, as opposed to your intricate and meaningful ones. But being marketable doesn't necessarily mean being vapid. You can infuse art with levels of meaning below the surface and still be conscientious of how it will appeal to a wider audience. That's my take on it, anyway. Get their attention with your good looks, keep it with your depth of personality.
edit: I apologize for dropping the F-bomb, especially on mistaken assumptions. I need to lighten up.
*edit* The comment was written -before- I saw your comment with the first sentence in reply to Crimson. So unless I am a master of foreshadowing internet emo e-drama, it wasnt aimed at you nor anyone in general. I smell a drama llama. Further commenting on this silly controversial matter is discouraged
Many people have been flamed in the past for complaining about a lack of comments on their drawings.
All the same, I'd hate to see someone with talent leave this site so I hope the idea doesn't cross your mind. Your art here is definitely appreciated and you're one of the ones I look for when browsing the boards.
If you plan on going into commercial art you do have to buck up and face the fact that what you like isn't whats going to sell. A lot of what means anything to you will have no bearing to the person who is commissioning you to create something for them. You have to find a balance between creating what has meaning to you and what sells to the masses
Trip: I once was bashed for drawing images that I thought would please others. To be honest, everything I draw (except for requests) is exactly what I want to draw. I'm glad that others can appreciate some of my work. It's okay not to have comments on a piece. You just move on. Too many people want to be excepted in this world of art. Don't let people put you down and just do what you feel. You come 1st .....then others. That's what art should be about. You're absolutely right though, it really is going to be hard to find a career based on true creativity. This world is about marketing. You draw what they think think will sell. At the same time, it's not entierly impossible to find a job based on you're standards of art. You just gotta be at the right place at the right time. Don't worry about others, this isn't a portfolio site. You won't have to worry about big companies looking here. 2draw is a place to fuck around, do what you want. You're heading in the right direction in drawing what you feel and not what others want. Do what ever the hell you want and have fun.
Returning to the topic, i agreed with kasha this NOT a portfolio site, i think it´s a place to have fun and meet people who cares about images and drawing, with that thing in mind i think this is quite the better drawing site i know...
Just a little story to finish, i´ve used my gallery on this site to show what i´m capable to do with the right audience and i get a couple of jobs because of that, so i think you can test your proffesional possibilities showing your work to the people do you want to see your work...
Anyway, my guess is, if this site should have a view counter instead of a comment counter, you will see that your draws are "very" appreciated, have fun, i like your draws a lot, but like you see i comment a very few times, it happens to me with a lot of other people here, i see and like their draws but i don´t comment...except with kasha , i guess :)
hey Cello why is it that the comments get submitted twice? (excuse my english, please)