boardsintermediateMichael the Archangel
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drawn in 1 hour 24 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Doodlibop (May 6, 2003)
...aka Jesus. Not exactly how I wanted it to come out, but I have to practice with Lascaux. It actually took less to draw: the rest of the time was making the background (I couldn't figure what to do, so here is the oh so horrible one you see). Probably not one of my better works.
Doodlibop (May 6, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
quintessence (edited May 6, 2003)
Wow, that's really awesome, even though I don't believe in such things. Love the face and the glowy effect.
Einz (edited May 6, 2003)
this one reminds me of ancient greece or rome
the bible is always a good source of inspiration
the always continuing struggle of good vs evil

but archrangel micheal... aka Jezus
i don't get that
isn't archangel micheal commander of the armys of heaven?

Turtlebuster (edited May 6, 2003)
indeed einz.
besides that, jesus is usually portrayed with black hair and beard.
very swanky piccy though.
Doodlibop (edited May 6, 2003)
Jesus is Michael the Archangel, the "commander of the armies of heaven". And He usually is portrayed with black/brown hair and beard because that is His earthly representation. Actually, the Bible recalls him as being quite hansome. And I think he has white hair like God. I'm not sure. I made it goldish because Jesus is also called the "Lion of Judah".
Turtlebuster (edited May 6, 2003)
oooh we have a scholar in our midst!! :P
i know i'm not the most learned person... but i am quite certain that Jesus, son of God, is Jesus, son of God. I don't think he has any other persona (other than the trinity).
if you could quote the bible verse(s) that hints/states otherwise, you might make a believer outta me :P but i don't suppose a petty 'know your bible quizz' matters XD
Doodlibop (edited May 7, 2003)
Thankyou Turtlebuster for that question, because I was going by what I knew from chilhood and not from study. So I am "studying to show myself approved" for my own and your sake as well. If you note carefully, in the Old Testament the name Jesus is not used because "Jesus's" ministry was not yet (His time to die and be the propitiation for our sins). But what can be understood is The Lord and the Word are both Jesus (as understood in Genesis and Matthew). Also, Daniel bows to Michael the Arch Angel in Daniel 12. Michael the A.A. was what we now know as Jesus because we are not to worship angels ...angels themselves protest to being bowed to because God tells us not to exalt them (Hebrews 1). There is also another verse that goes with that statement which has an Angel telling one of the people of God not to build an alter to him (the angel) because he is a servant of God aswell. But you'll have to accept that for now. I'll update you. And it's not petty to try to know the Bible. :)
RazorClaw (edited May 7, 2003)
Yeah about that part of that The Word is Jesus and that He is an Angel sounds like its demeaning Jesus and not saying that He is God (part of the trinity = Father+(Son)+Holy Spirit). Could you give me the exact verse because it sounds like your taking it literally which isn't the way the Bible should be read. can only fully understand the Word of God when you have been saved.\

jus my thoughts..
Doodlibop (edited May 8, 2003)
I'm sorry remember when I mentioned about the book of Matthew? Wrong Book! It is found in John 1:1-14. It speaks of Jesus as the Word (and the Light) and that it is not demeaning at all. I will expound on the rest later (I have exams ;__;) And yes, I do take the Bible literally. There are so many things and prophecies that are so astoundingly accurate it could give ya goosebumps. Very cool stuff. I'll be back shortly. Also, I don't believe in the once saved always saved thing. If that really were the case, you could be excused for near anything after being 'saved'. It's like going to somone else to ask God for forgiveness (confession) when Jesus paid His blood to be the ONLY mediator between God and man. There are alot of things people do professing to do them in the name of God.
RazorClaw (edited May 8, 2003)
What I mean is John 1:1 I'm thinking its saying that (In the begining was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the word was God...)...ehhm I too tired too can't think... I'll ask my Bible teacher about that I forget the iterpretatoin of it.

Yes the Bible is quiet intreeging (spel lol) like in revelation it talks of Wars and roomers of wars, Nation against nation will be a sign of Jesus' return. The saved thing is kinda complicated and their are many views on it and a lot seem wrong. From what I gather being saved is confesing with your mouth and believing in your heart that Jesus is Lord. But thats where some people stop yet it does continue that you don't just do those things but you live out your daily lives for Christ [being a Christian(some religioins think that being a Chirstian is simply being a "good" person)]. So you are saved and continue to be saved (or have salvation) ...not that you can't stop doing bad things (sins)

okie off to beddy
Doodlibop (edited May 12, 2003)
Yes RazorClaw, that is how I've believe it is as well except the part about confessing with your mouth. Who needs to know about your conviction to the duty of Christ except you and the Savior? Wouldn't your actions tell anyway? And don't forget that God (the holy trinity) is God. He can do ANYTHING. We are yet mere mortal flesh unable to fathom the true depths of His eternal love!
Also, what interpretation? It is suppose to be taken as is. Jesus was that energy that made all things, He is the literal Word of God.
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