Whoa, what is this??? Is it from a movie that I haven't seen or something? It's very cool in any case. I have to say that that helmet looks pretty real and has a strange resemblance to a mouse. You're definitely doing well with the metallic texture here. I only wish I could've seen it completely finished....*wonders what it'd look like if it had been*
I'm sure glad you didn't do whatever else you thought it was you needed to do to this... it's perfect just like it is. The metal looks so... metallic... yeah, that's the only word to describe it. *runs away before the thing tries to "implant" something* (I just don't have time for those meetings, you know.) :)
drawn in 1 hour 19 min
drawn in 1 hour 9 min
drawn in 6 min
Edit: The body, Cindy...I just don't want to now.
Edit again: I think it's called Syn...