boardsbeginner"You know what you two look like?"
watch animation - 100% - zoom in - zoom out
drawn in 1 hour 27 min with PaintBBS
shroomroom (May 27, 2005)
"Like a couple a guys who just blew off someone's head."

shroomroom (May 27, 2005)
drawn in 1 hour 17 min
HunterKiller_ (May 27, 2005)
Nice work. The expression on the white guys face is just brilliant hehe, he's like "Oh yeeaaahhh".
davincipoppalag (May 27, 2005)
Not bad..Travolta and ...Washington? i forget the other fellas name..
shroomroom (May 27, 2005)
lol its Samuel L. Jackson.
sincity (May 27, 2005)
No it's Mace Windu, Only when he was younger and didn't know he was going to be a jedi. :}
shroomroom (May 28, 2005)
drawn in 10 min
fixed things that were bothering me..
K-Dizzle (May 28, 2005)
hahahah nice..I love that movie

"The Wolf: You guys look like... What do they look like, Jimmie?
Jimmie: Dorks. They look like a couple of dorks.
Jules: Ha-ha-ha. They're your clothes, motherfucker."
Xodiak (May 28, 2005)
I like the movie! There are mobsmen, gangsters, drugs, murder, violence, blood, sex and a watch hidden in a man's anus for years. I could not ask for more, especially the watch in the anus part. >:)
Great picture Miss Dylan Ramsey! >:D
TuffGhost (Dec 30, 2006)
Did you see a sign on the front of my house that said 'dead nigger storage'?
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