boardsadvancedwhen i breath into your mouth...
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drawn in 4 hours 46 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
zep (Apr 28, 2005)
crappy hair...loosely referenced by my beautiful wife... :)
zep (Apr 28, 2005)
drawn in 3 hours 51 min
featherstone (Apr 28, 2005)
I don't think the hair's crappy at all...
zep (Apr 28, 2005)
well...if you see my wife´s hair, you noticed it :)
featherstone (Apr 28, 2005)
you must be a perfectionist, like me... hehe it's gotta be a Gemini thing
Anna (Apr 28, 2005)
:-D Oh! Great!! Very zeppyistic! ;-) heheh I like her hair!
zep (Apr 28, 2005)
thank you Anna...nice egg by the way :)
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Apr 28, 2005)
You do have quite the beautiful wife, zep. Blonde hair is so difficult to do, anyway, but I think you did a lovely job. She is so pretty, I'm surprised you don't paint her more often.
davincipoppalag (Apr 28, 2005)
It doesn't look crappy to me either..she's pretty ,Javier, definately draw her more!
emmamommalag (Apr 28, 2005)
Lovely hair.. and you say it looks even better than that.. wow. Your wife is very pretty. I hope you will draw her again. This one will go in the book, won't it?
zep (Apr 28, 2005)
thanks a lot people, i just simply can´t draw her...find all my attempts unfair with her beautiful face :)
HunterKiller_ (Apr 29, 2005)
Yeah it must be a Gemini thing. Though it doesn't show in my work XD
Gemini pwns all j00 oth3r 5t4r 519n5 w00t w00t!
zep (May 1, 2005)
drawn in 54 min
i can not...
nekodesu (May 1, 2005)
Wow! nice! You have a really beautiful wife zep! =D And her hair doesn't look crappy at all.
And speaking of geminis...I'm a gemini too XD I do tend to spend a lot more time on a drawing than I plan in a way I could be a perfectionist.
Ty854 (May 1, 2005)
I think the hair looks great!
Miss_DJ (edited May 2, 2005)
another gemini here...this is lovely, I think..and your wife is lucky to have a man that adores her so much. Sounds like you're both lucky in love.
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