boardsintermediateugly guy
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drawn in 15 min with PaintBBS
coffeejelly (Apr 22, 2003)
just an ugly-looking fellow :'D
coffeejelly (Apr 22, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Apr 22, 2003)
You got that right. What a good rendition of an ugly guy! It's nicely coloured and shaded, too. Well done!
darkk_angel (edited Apr 22, 2003)
hahahah nice one crisann..... his eyes really draw a person in!
Turtlebuster (edited Apr 22, 2003)
splendid. I love the croshatching on the left jawline and nose.
forgotten-memory (edited Apr 22, 2003)
he has a beautiful nose, and you've done fabulous with the colors. if there's ANYTHING wrong, it's the hair doesn't look as detailed as the rest, and the lipps are a little sloppy. but how am I to know, maybe they're supposed to be like that.
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